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Mythran the Thaumaturgist – ein gewichtiger Name im Zusammenhang mit dem Eventbogen zum 20. Jahres Jubiläum Shattered Obelisk (2017). Er war der Dreh- und Angelpunkt, damit Sosaria nicht im Chaos versinkt, sollten es die Titanen tatsächlich wagen, die Länder anzugreifen. Zu ihm gelangte man nur, wenn man vorher die Stadt Heralde besucht, die Stadtzeitung las, und dann auch den danach folgenden Hinweise nachging.


The Lycaeum Larceny

Given you haven't jumped into the void I'll assume your intentions are genuine, whats this? *You hand him the note* Sherry is persistent isn't she. She is right you know, even though I doubt Britannians will listen. The ambushes you've read about, the strange objects recovered from the maps? And now the incident ar your Lycaeum? They are all related you know - and I'm afraid the situation is not good. If you'd like to read more of my research feel free to explore my home, the jist of it, however, is your world and my... former... world are on a collision course with an ancient and powerful evil.

I know, I know, its something you've heard before - but you must understand. This is different. My colleague Heigel was researching at the Lycaeum. I haven't been able to reach him since the article in the Town Cryer about the break-in there. Would you check on him, it would mean the world to me.


  • Go to the Lycaeum in Moonglow and discover Heigel's fate.


  • A step closer to finding out the nature of recent events.

Wer jetzt zu Heigel nach Moonglow ins Lycaeum geht findet eine böse Überraschung vor...

Kommt man danach zurück, geht es weiter.

Warrior of Ether

You found Heigel , however he was badly injured. Despite your best efforts to offer first aid, his lifeforced slipped away as you comforted him in your arms. You deliver the news and the parchment to Mythran.

Heigel's death only underscores the seriousness of what must be done. Fortunately Heigel was able to isolate incidents across Britannia that are directly related to the recovery of the components of the obelisk. We must continue Heigel's research, with it we can recover the artifacts and you can becore a Warrior of Ether! Only then will you be powerful enough to fight the coming threats from Pagan...



  • The power to fight the evils from Pagan.

Nun erhält man auch das Pagan Spellbook welches sich mit den speziellen gefundenen Zaubersprüchen aus den Schatzkisten füllen lässt.

Die Arbeit beginnt! (hilfreiche Tipps und Screenshots gibt es auf der Shattered Obelisk-Seite...)