Pagan Spellbook

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Das Pagan Spellbook erhält man leer, die Scrolls dazu gibt es aus den speziellen Schatzkisten (während Publish 98).
Das Pagan Spellbook gab es als von Mythran während des Eventbogens Shattered Obelisk.



Pub98 Pagan Spellbook - Necromancy.png
Grant Peace - In Vas Corp

Necromancy is the magic of earth, and from the life giving rock Lithos so too comes death. The magics of Necromancy harness that power to cast spells that manipulate the undead and the ground from whence they came. Grant Peace allows the necromancer to give peace to an undead creature, destroying them should the caster so desire. The casting of necromantic spells requires the Key of the Caretaker, a wand given to initiate Necromants. The necromancer is able to use the wand on a small puch with the necessary reagents inside to achieve the desired result.


Pub98 Pagan Spellbook - Sorcery.png
Summon Perihelion - Kal Flam Corp Xen

Sorcery is a powerful school of magic that harnesses the power of Pyros to cast destructive spells. Like other magics of Pagan, Sorcery utilizes the creation of a focus to embody the power of a spell into a small object that can then be activated to result in the desired outcome. Creating a Sorcery focus requires red and black candles, reagents, and a pentagram. Knowing the positions of the pentagram is equally as important as the necessary candles and reagents, as their correct placement on the pentagram is required to create the cofus. The center of the pentagram is called the locus.

Directly atop the locus is the aphelion. Directly left and right of the locus are the mesostel pa and mesosteal ze. The left and right legs of the pentagram are knowsn as the perivolcan pa and perivolcan ze. Placing the candles and reagents at the correct locations speak the words of power to cast the spell and create the focus. The caster should take caution when summoning the Perihelion, for it is a destructive and unpredictable beast!


Pub98 Pagan Spellbook - Theurgy.png
Intervention - In Sanct An Jux

Theurgy, the magic of air, is derived from the power of Stratos and focuses on th emagics of change. Like other magics of Pagan, Theurgy utilizes the creation of a focus to embody the power of a spell into a small object that can then be activated to result in the desired outcome. Unlike other schools of Pagan magic which utilize reagents, however, Theurgy foci can be crated by tinkers learned in magic. With enough quicksilver, the focus of theurgy can be crafted to cast "Intervention", harnessing the powers of wind to propel the caster through immovable objects. By speaking the words of power with the focus in your backpack, Theurgy draws its strenght from the Breath of Air, and the foci are only functional in the proximity to the artifact.