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Garamon ist der NPC Questgeber beim Eingang in die Unterwelt bzw. zum Stygian Abyss. Er kennt wie kein Zweiter die Geschichte des Abyss, und hat auch einen persönlichen tragischen Höhepunkt bei dessen Entdeckung erleben müssen – die Mutation seines Bruders Tyball, der nun als böser Schatten in der Unterwelt sein Unwesen treibt.

Npc-quest garamon.jpg

Garamon's Informationen

Garamon spricht den Abenteurer an, wenn man auf ihn zukommt und reagiert auch auf Stichwörter, wenn man nahe bei ihm steht. Die Quest die daraus enspringt nennt sich Welcome to the Abyss.

Ebenfalls belegen zwei Journale die Geschichte um ihn und seinen Bruder Tyball, das eine findet man im Geheimraum mit den Ranken, das andere findet man im Geheimraum um die Ecke beim Greater Poison Elemental.

Garamon und Tyball's Journale

Teil 1 (Garamons Journal)

Das hellbraune Buch, geschrieben von Garamon.

Today, I have hope again. It has been too many days since my brother Tyball and I inadvertently released the Slasher of Veils in this world. How could we have known our research in planar travel would have such dire consequenses?

But we have devised a plan. We completed the construction of a Chamber of Virtue. Tonight, I will lure the Slasher of Veils inside it so its virtuous enegeries may weaken the beast. Tyball will lock us in while I open a rip back to the Slasher's own plane and lead him through. A portal already awaits me in that foul place which will lead me back here to safety.

If all goes according to plan, we will have undone the wrong we brought onto Britannia. We will have redeemed ourselves. May the Virtues give us strength...

Teil 2 (Tyballs Journal)

Das dunkelrote Buch, geschrieben von Tyball.
He speaks to me... I can hear him. The beast.... He knows of our plan. But how?

Such wonders, such powers and such wealth he promises. But at what cost? That it could ask me to sacrifice my beloved brother. I cannot. I will not. No knowledge, no greatness could warrant such infamy.

But the seed of a doubt is gnawing at me. Did the Slasher make the same offer to my brother? Is he playing us against the other? Would Garamon even entertain the thought. No, not my virtuous brother. If he did, I would need to strike first. Only to protect myself, of course.

I must banish the doubts from my mind. They are like poison. We cannot let this fiend divide us.