A Light In The Dark

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A Light In The Dark (dt. Ein Licht im Dunkeln) ist ein Geschichtsbuch von Adamu Edom geschrieben, das bei den Traders Quest als Belohnung erhalten werden kann.

A Light in the Dark (by Adamu Edom)

As a Britannian scribe, many tales, legends and myths cross my desk; many sordid with exaggeration and self love. Still, some are so fantastic that in spite of the natural aura of disbelief that follows, I am inclined to believe there is truth in its root. This is such a tale.

The deep forests along the mainland surrounding Skara Brae have long been the subject of myth and horror. The mountainous spine of Britannia and as the Rangers are fond of saying, "Here there be dragons!" Yet more than that, the rangers know that there are even more terrible things in the forest.

Among the deep and dark thicket of trees, many an adventurer has come across rings of mushrooms often called fairy rings. The learned sages of Moonglow tell us that these have nothing at all to do with faeries, instead involve "magnetic polarity" and "ley lines" stretching across the face of Sosaria. (Whatever that means!)

Among these rings of twisted and altered nature, the bodies of men are often found. Hulks of discarded flesh and twisted mass, as if some terrible experimentation or harm had come to them. It is said, that when found a Xorinite Wisp is always nearby observing. Are these creatures to blame?

The Wisps have always been a source of mystery and awe among mortal men who seek to understand that which cannot be understood. There have been texts written to understand their language, primers and historical documentation. Among the peasantry it is considered good luck to cross paths with a Wisp. The Skara Rangers though remain vigilant and warn others to not step within the circles of mushrooms, for where stands a circle a wisp is surely nearby.