Yorik's Log

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Titel: Yorik's Log

Autor: Yorik Elther

The roads have been dangerous of late, and many of the shipments of goods via caravan have gone missing or been attacked by marauders. We've started guarding what shipments we can, but we're low on guards and the necessities to repair our gear. We've had to divert some of our guardforce to Minoc to help guard the shipments of ore and weaponry here safely. It doesn't help that we've had a few deserters recently. The citizens don't like it, but at least the monks don't mind. They never cared for having us here in the first place. At least they don't raise a fuss.

Much as I don't like the monks, they're blasted good healers. It's a good thing we've got them here as several of the guards who've been helping escort the shipments have come back wounded and worse for wear by fighting off bandits. My post here at the guardhouse hasn't seen much other than the passing caravans. I'm not sure whether to be thankful for that or not, though my wife certainly thinks I should be. Still, I'd rather be fighting like my fellow guards.

We've lost six caravans in the past two weeks, and it seems to be the work of a single group of bandits. The sergeant says he has a plan to get them, and he'll need our help. I'm wondering if I shouldn't have taken up my retirement after that business with Virtuebane.

The sergeant is going to set up an ambush with a fake caravan and as many of us as he can get to go with him. Despite my wife's pleas I know this is what I need to do to help secure the safety of Yew and the trade routes.

*The writing here is shaky and unsteady, but in the same hand*

The sergeants plan was a good one, but we weren't expecting such a strong showing from mere brigands. It wasn't until after we checked their dead and the few survivors had fled that we realized that they weren't regular brigands, and how they knew all the trade routes. At least two of the slain brigands were former members of the guard. I sustained a serious injury to my shield arm in the fight, and have been staying at the healers here in Yew while I recover. I think this time I'm going to listen to the wife and find a safer line of work.