The Honor of the De Boors

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Derek the Merchant ist ein NPC-Charakter in der Nähe der Trinsic Royal Bank im nördlichen Trinsic. Bei ihm erhält man die Quest The Honor of the De Boors, worin es um eine alte Familienschuld geht.


The Honor of the De Boors
Derek the Merchant: "I beg your pardon, but will you listen to my story? My family the de Boors family, have been jewel traders as far back as anyone can remember. Alas, by the time I was born, we had fallen on hard times. To survive, I had to sell much of my family's property. Most of it was meaningless, but I regret that a few years ago I made a terrible mistake. I pawned a shield bearing my family's coat of arms to a loan shark. That shield was borne into battle by Jaan de Boors, the founder of our house! It was no value to anyone, but that blackguard won't believe I have no money. He wants a fortune in jewels before he will return it. Now I have learned that I am dying. Soon I will be gone, and my lineage with me. For the sake of what little honor is left to me and my family name, I cannot bear to leave our ancestral shield in the hands of that villain. Will you help me to recover it?"

Akzeptiert man die Quest, muss man nun je 10 Diamonds, 10 Rubies und 10 Emeralds für Derek bzw. seinen Loan Shark besorgen. Die Edelsteine lassen sich bei jedem NPC Juwelier kaufen.

Nach dem erfolgreichen Zusammensuchen reist man zurück zu Derek zurück und überbringt ihm die frohe Kunde.

Derek the Merchant: "You have done it! Bless you! I do appreciate this very much! Though, will you do me one last favor?"

Und weiter gehts im Text:

Derek the Merchant: "Will you take the jewels to the loan shark? I am not well enough to go myself, though it is not far."

Nun heisst es mit dem erhaltenen Bag of Jewels zum Hafen von Trinsic zu gehen und dort Jack the Loan Shark zu finden. Er begegnet einem ziemlich spöttisch:

Jack the Loan Shark: What do you want? Oh, that jewel merchant wants his shield back, eh?

Jack the Loan Shark: That idiot! This beat up piece of junk isn't worth more than three gold coins, four at most! Oh, well, a deal's a deal!

Nun erhält man das Ancestral Shield und bringt dies sofort zu Derek zurück.

Derek the Merchant: My shield! My family's honor! You have my gratitude. Please, take this goblet. It is small enough repayment for all you have done for me, but it is the only thing of my family's that I have left.

Nun erhält man zur Belohnung den Kelch Goblet of Celebration, welcher voll gefüllt ist – wenn man daraus trinkt ist man sofort betrunken, aber der Kelch füllt sich nach einem Tag wieder von selbst.

Hinweis: Diese Quest kann nur je einmal pro Charakter absolviert werden (Fehlermeldung bei erneutem Versuch: I can not offer you the quest again).