Sir Helper the Profession Guide

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Sir Helper the Profession Guide ist ein NPC-Charakter in New Haven und dürfte der erste NPC sein, der den neuen Spielern auf den Keks geht. Denn solange man ihn nicht mindestens einmal angeklickt hat und sich angehört/gelesen hat, was er zu sagen hat, blafft er einen immer an, wenn man vorbeiläuft.

Npc sirhelper.jpg

New Haven Profession Guide

Welcome to New Haven! You seek profession help? You have come to the right place! To learn more about the profession training New Haven has to offer, seek out the following guildmasters:

Warrior: Alexander Dumas

Location: The Warrior's Guild Hall is the first building to the Northeast.

Mage: Pyronarro

Location: The Mage School is a few buildings to the North.

Blacksmith: Tiny DuPont

Location: The Blacksmith Shop is the building directly North of the New Haven Bank.

Necromancer: Malifnae

Location: The Necromancer School is a little ways out of New Haven to the Northeast.

Paladin: Brahman

Location: The Paladin Training Area is on the second floor of an adjacent building connected to the Warrior's Guild Hall.

Samurai: Haochi

Location: The Samurai Profession can be learned in abuilding a little ways North of the Mage School.

Ninja: Yago

Location: The Ninja Profession can be learned in a building a little ways West of the Mage School.

Good journey to you. Hope you enjoy your stay in New Haven!