Shard of the Dead II

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Dec 19 2006 4:59PM GMT (PST +08:00)

Coelacanth's Lava Maze: The lava maze is a maze which you must navigate from the northwest corner to the treasure located in the southeast corner.

The tricky part is that only a portion of the maze is ever open for people to safely walk on at any moment in time -- little islands of safety meander about the maze allowing the sure of foot a chance at reaching the end. Although there's always at least one island that will reach the final treasure, sometimes the islands split halfway through the maze and the players traveling on them will have to chose which island they believe will get them to the final spot in the maze.

Now if a traveler chooses poorly, and finds themselves on a island shrinking in a sea of lava, they shouldn't give up. They'll be teleported (with only a little bit of scorching) back to the start of the maze to try again. The patterns that the islands take through the maze will repeat until someone manages to remember all the twists and turns and makes it to the end of the maze. As soon as a treasure is picked up, the maze will reset with a new set of paths, and a new treasure will be placed down.

There's a total of five different armor pieces that are generated as the treasure at the end of the maze.

I've also put a little bit of protection at the beginning of the maze, so pesky monsters won't disturb the people patiently waiting for the maze to start again for the next challenge.

So, if you run across the lava maze, gather at the entrance, wait for the lava to part, and try your luck and your memory at navigating through it.

Supreem's Vampire Wars: This was a little side project of mine for the SOTD and I wanted give you guys a little FAQ so you can take full advantage of the event.

Summary: There are two factions that are fighting for control of Trinsic, Vampires and Vampire Slayers. You can join one of the two factions by using the faction stones scattered through Trinsic. The main Vampire faction stone is just outside the main gate. The main Vampire Slayer stone is in the center of town. Be careful, the stones give off an explosion that kill the opposite faction. This prevents the opposite faction from camping your stone. The faction stones also act as shrines which provide you with resurrection.

Vampires: Vampires cannot heal and take damage slowly. Luckily they can heal themselves by attacking other NPCs and players. They receive full health upon turning another mobile into a vampire. Vampires can turn vampire slayers into vampires by doing 50% damage to them. Vampires cannot attack other vampires. Turning a player vampire slayer into a vampire awards you with his soul which can be used for special rewards. The only way to rejoin the living is to die and ressurect.

Slayers: Slayers get a bonus to damage against vampires. This makes up for the fact that vampires only need to get you to half health to turn you. (Currently Slayers do 175% damage to vampires) Killing a player vampire awards you with his bloody head which can be used for special rewards. The only way to leave the slayers is to die and ressurect.

Non-Participants: Non-participants in Vampire Wars do 50% damage to participants.


   Killing a vampire NPC gives you a chance to get a cursed artifact
   Turning an NPC into a vampire gives you a chance to get a minor artifact
   Bringing 10 unique vampire heads or 10 unique vampire slayer souls to a faction stone gives you one of the following rewards randomly:
       Major Artifact (not cursed)
       Glass Weapon - Weapon that can be used once but does insane damage.
       Bombs - Each faction has a bomb that when used causes an area effect explosion similar to the ones at the faction stones. The explosion only affects members of the opposite faction. 

Anyways that's the gist of it. This event is happening on Shard of the Dead II in Felucca Trinsic. You can port straight there from the second floor of Castle Britain (Trammel) or you can find your way there from the portal at Britain Bank in Trammel. Happy Hunting!

Dyes: You can dye your possessions any hue (1 - 2000) at the "Paint Station" at the top of the Black and Orange tower next to Britain bank.

Costumes: There are costume gates hidden around East Britain!

The Purple Turtle Medusa: The Purple Turtle Medusa can be found in the Hedge Maze southwest of Britain. Every 10-30 seconds it will randomly choose a victim to turn into stone. If you are the only player within range, you WILL get turned to stone! When you get turned into stone, you and everything you are equipped with are turned either marble, jade, or bronze stone color. You will not be able to move, but you will still be able to talk and cast spells. You are frozen in that pose for 5 minutes or until the Medusa that turned you into stone is slain. When you get unfrozen you will remain the color of the stone, proving to everyone that you have faced the Purple Turtle Medusa. (You can redye yourself and your clothing at the Paint Stations near Britain Bank - see above)

The Purple Turtle Medusa drops a special Medusa’s Mirror. If you have the Medusa’s Mirror equipped, and you were lucky enough not to have turned into stone, there is a tiny percent chance you will reflect the effects of the Medusa's Stone spell and instantly kill her.

JIB's Random Maze Enter the Random Maze through gates near Britain bank or Castle British. Every 20 minutes or so the maze will get rebuilt, and each time it should be completely different from other instances. There currently isn’t any reward for finishing the maze - except that you get to leave!

Zombies! If you get hit by a zombie, there is a chance that you will become infected. Once infected you will take a small amount of damage every few seconds until you die - then on death there is a significant chance that your corpse will soon change into a zombie. The newly reanimated zombie gets all the equipment that was left on your corpse and gets named after you. Your corpse also no longer exists since it has turned into a zombie. If you turn into a zombie and haven’t insured or blessed your items you will have to kill the zombie to get them back.

Any character can turn into a zombie if infected; this includes NPCs and pets. NPCs will also try to attack zombies.