Scorned and Betrayed

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Titel: Scorned and Betrayed

Autor: Regina Storm

Standing behind the great oak table, underneath the gold and gray banner of The Ore of Vesper, I could barely contain my fury. The gall of that man to break a legally binding contract and send my men on their journey without any protection. He might as well have sent sheep into the wolves' den!

Shivering with rage, I could barely stand straight as I gripped the table to gain its support. Half of my men dead and the entire shipment lost. If this was meant to be a message of some sort then it has proven to be a costly one. It will be a long time before our guild recovers from this. That is, if we recover.

Perhaps, New World Order is under the belief that now I will give in to their backhanded tactics and threats. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any fool knows not to corner a desperate person, and believe me when I say that I have never been this desperate. With their actions, they have not only brought dishonor onto themselves, but also declared war on one of the oldest and most respected guilds in Vesper. For this, they will pay dearly. Aye, I swear that I will make them pay for this day. They might have started this war, but we will be the ones who end it.