Sage Humbolt

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Version vom 22. September 2018, 15:53 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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NPC Sage Humbolt the Ghost.png
Der Geist von Sage Humbolt ist ein NPC Charakter von Halloween 2018 der im Laufe der Quest Going Gumshoe in Papua beim Herumwandern entdeckt wurde (eigentlich versteckte er sich eher im Keller, gleich in der Nähe der Docks).

Diskussion mit Sage Humbolt

Wer im Laufe des Quests Going Gumshoe auf Sage Humbolt traf, konnte einiges über eine Verschwörung erfahren. Da Sage Humbolt ein Geist ist, war es nur möglich, ihn mit der Fähigkeit Spirit Speak (es klappte auch mit 0) zum Reden zu bewegen. Daraufhin erzählte er einem relativ viel zu der Sage von Khal Ankur.

Die Prophezeihung (The Prophecy)

NPC Sage Humbolt the Ghost-Text.png
*The ghostly figure looks at you with disappointment* You've brought the cheese haven't you? Gah, I can never find it! *the ghost goes back to waving its hands through the barrels* You explain who you are, and the circumstances that have lead you to this moment. With each word the ghost becomes increasingly alarmed, yet an expression of expectation and satisfaction is apparent form their reaction. The ghost nods and begins to speak in a tongue you can understand.

"That's right. I am Sage Humbolt, or I was. What you speak of is especially concerning. The events you describe - the invasion by otherworldly cultists, the titans, all of it - it was something foretold long ago. But these most recent revelations, I was hopeful that, like most prohpecies, this was a bit of embellishment by sages through the millenia. Alas, it seems this prophecy has come full circle.

Long ago, a great warrior named Khal Ankur lead a cult devoted to death and acrifice. Like most zealots of such a twisted dogma, Khal Ankur met his end and was sealed inside a tomb deep in the Lost Lands. Not until four explorers uncovered the tomb did we even know for sure it existed. The prophecy tells of a fallen star that would allow Khal Ankur to rise again and lead an army of zealots against those who imprisoned him. With the strenght of this fallen star Khal Ankur would be impossible to kill, save for with the very power the fallen star gives to Khal Ankur. You must never allow Khal Ankur to rise again, lest the cultists may use their power to recall the Titans to this world! The fallen star is rich with a material called Caddellite, which gives Khal Ankur unmatched power. I hope you know a good tinker, as Caddellite is a fiercely strong material that is otherwise impossible to harvest. With Caddellite Infused resources you will be able to supply an army of the willing with weapons, arcana, and provisions to dispatch this threat once and for all. Go now, there is little time to lose. Now I've got to get back to my cheese, what a new and exciting place Papua is..."

You have successfully found Sage Humbolt who has opened your eyes to the entire conspiracy, and the danger that looms ahead if no steps are taken to alter the current course of events. Return to Inspector Jasper to report your findings.