Publish 2000 (Renaissance Bug Fix 4)

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Renaissance Related Changes Jun 22 2000 3:25PM CST

   The special attacks for two-handed mace weapons will be reduced to 50% rather than 100% extra. A crushing blow will still be quite effective however. For example, the warhammer will still be capable of doing significant amounts of damage when a crushing blow is achieved (the max will be approximately 60 points, rather than the reported 70 to 80 points).
   Falling through floors in the new house designs will be addressed.
   Slow moving NPCs and monsters will be addressed.
   Trapped chests will no longer give murder counts to the tinker who created the chest.
   Issues with thieves not turning ‘gray’ in town will be resolved.
   ‘Criminally flagged’ characters will no longer be able to go through a moonstone gate.

'No Recall for Aggressors' Fix

The "no recall for aggressors" system has been fixed so that:

   You will not be able to recall while you are a criminal.
   You will not be able to recall while you are an aggressor to a player.
   Being an aggressor to a monster or NPC will not stop you from recalling.
   Attacking a pet of a murderer or criminal will not stop you from recalling as neither of these actions will make you a criminal. 

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