Order of the Dragonfish Handbook, Part 3

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by Cpt. Piddlewash

Uncommon Dungeon Fish

In thee sacred trust I be bestowin’ our knowledge. Ne’er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o’ Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o’ the Order of the Dragonfish that I do.

Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o’ the Order. This knowledge can make you wealthy. Guard it well.

  • Crag snapper:
Crag snapper be fine eating. Just mind yer fingers.
  • Cutthroat trout:
This dungeon menace ’tis the very one that gave rise to the ol’ saying, ‘Ne’er take a bath in dungeon water.’
  • Darkfish:
Ye find this fish in underground rivers and lakes. But only dark underground rivers and lakes.
  • Demon trout:
Beware, this big devil comes out of the water spicy.
  • Drakefish:
The smaller cousin o’ the dragonfish, this beauty be much easier to catch and thus more commonly used in cooking.
  • Dungeon chub:
This be the only subterranean member o’ the chub family.
  • Grim cisco:
This fish is sought for medicinal purpose. They say it be the best cure for hysteria.
  • Infernal tuna:
This fish be deadly poisonous unless ye cook it in butter with a bit o’ thyme and serve it with ale.
  • Lurker fish:
These fish like to hide up under corpses floating in underground rivers.
  • Orc bass:
If ye be ever chased by orcs, throw one down and keep runnin! Ever since I started tellin’ folks this, I been sellin more orc bass.
  • Snaggletooth bass:
This dungeon lurker be resemblin’ a large mouth bass excepting it be having huge jagged teeth.
  • Tormented pike:
This pike be hunted by every monster in Sosaria except for a few.