Order of the Dragonfish Handbook, Part 2

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by Cpt. Piddlewash

Uncommon Sea Fish

In thee sacred trust I be bestowin’ our knowledge. Ne’er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o’ Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o’ the Order of the Dragonfish that I do.

Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o’ the Order. This knowledge can make you wealthy. Guard it well.

  • Amberjack:
One o’ these days I’m going to hang up me fishin’ pole and start me own brewery, and I’m going to name me brew amberjack.
  • Black seabass:
The black seabass be a more purpley color in me personal opinion, but it wasn’ me what named it.
  • Blue grouper:
These be uncommon because most fishermen mistake them for other fish ’cause they ain’t actually blue. This be thar natural defense.
  • Bluefish:
If ye be trying ta remember where to fish for bluefish, jus’ remember the big blue spot on their fin that looks like a ship.
  • Bonefish:
This fish be havin lots o’ bones. Like double the normal amount. I seen some that couldn’t even move!
  • Bonito:
Bonito be great when smoked and dried. Tis a favorite of Tokuno.
  • Cape cod:
This fish be found off the cape. Way off the cape. Like in the middle o’ the sea.
  • Captain snook:
Whatever sun baked swab named this poor devil cap’n snook should be keel hauled! I knew Cap’n Snook, this be no Cap’n Snook.
  • Cobia:
Best to not be confusin’ the cobia with the cobra, the cobra be requiring a totally different kind o’ bait.
  • Gray snapper:
Old sailors say that many generations ago the gray snapper used to be the blonde snapper.
  • Haddock:
When tha’ wind’s in yar hair, the salt’s on yar lips and yar hook’s wrapped around yar pole, the haddock be thar.
  • Mahi mahi:
They say the most persuasive argument is repetition. This might explain why mahi mahi be so popular.
  • Red drum:
The red drum is thus named because o’ the sound it makes when you thump it on the head.
  • Red grouper:
Red grouper be extra good with a dolop o’ Madam Beamy’s hot sauce.
  • Red Snook:
This fish be found anywhere the rest o’ the fish in this handbook be found.
  • Shad:
The shad be one o’ me personal favorite deep see uncommon fish.
  • Tarpon:
This fella once told me the word ‘Tarpon’ be derived from the word ‘Tarpaulin’ but I’s pretty sure he was insane.
  • Yellowfin tuna:
The best thing about tuna is that it tastes like chicken that was eaten by a fish.