Martial Doctrine II

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Titel: Martial Doctrine II

Autor: Loremaster Vikugo

Roles of the Warrior, Standard Formations

In battle a Jukan warrior must be fierce, unyielding, and passionate, but should not become bloodthirsty nor engage in wanton destruction or bloodshed. A Jukan warrior's task is to defeat the enemy, not slaughter the helpless, for there is no Honor or glory in such. A Jukan warrior must take care of his tools of war and attend to his talent for battle, ever increasing his skills and training to better himself for each battle to come. His tools of war shall be the spear and sword, and strong armor to be kept to its top shape. A Jukan's armor and weaponry should represent his ability, and as such his weapons must be kept as sharp as his wits, and his armor as stalwart as his spirit. On the battlefield, a Jukan Warrior should do his best to protect his Warlord and to protect those of the Mage class whom support them on the battlefield. It is the Warlord's duty to bravely lead his people against the enemy, and the warriors and mages will support him in his fight, giving healing magic and blessings upon the Warlord.

The White And Black Duels

It is always a Jukan Warrior's right to challenge another with the rite of the Sacred Duels, be they a White Duel or a Black Duel. The duels are the same in that they are challenges of Honor and prowess between two warriors. The initiation rites of both the White and Black Duels are begun by challenging the opponent, either directly or through message, and leaving a white or black silk scarf to signify which duel is being invoked, which the challenged must take up to accept the duel. There is no explicit dishonor in refusing a duel if the terms are inequitable, but it is rare for such an occasion to come about when there are equitable terms for both parties. The duels are over when either party yields or is slain in combat. In the case of the White Duel, if either party is unable to continue fighting due to injury or unconsciousness lasting more than a brief respite, the duel is over and the loser declared. In the case of the Black Duel, only a yielding opponent or a dead opponent can be declared the loser.

In the White Duel, the challenge is publicly acknowledged and observers and witnesses allowed and often encouraged. The White Duel is a public and open challenge, and the terms of the challenge are free to be shared by both opponents, winner and loser. White Duels are almost never declined, as often they are more matters of skill, competition, and demonstration instead of as matters of diplomacy or secrecy. A White Duel may be declined, but declining a White Duel should only be done in circumstances where the situation is clearly unequal or the conditions are blatantly unfair to one or both parties.

In the Black Duel, the challenge is often made in secret, warrior to warrior, and they meet in private to settle the duel. The duel is to be conducted in seclusion and neither party is to disclose the stakes until the duel has been settled. A Black Duel is only concluded after one party yields or is killed; The loser of the duel is bound by secrecy about the duel itself and the wagers, while the victor is free to discuss as much or as little as they so desire. Black Duels are much more rarely invoked than White Duels, and usually only over matters of grave importance or of personal Honor between the two combatants. A Black Duel can last for as long as neither party yields or dies, and there is no time limit. Black Duels are far more often declined than are White Duels, due to the higher stakes.

In either duel, if the loser does not abide by the terms they have officially betrayed their Honor and duty as a Jukan Warrior, and will have any rank stripped from them before being exiled in disgrace. The duels are often used by warriors as a form of diplomacy and as a way to negotiate battles or reprieves, and Black and White Duels have often been an impetus of change for the fate of the Jukan clans.