Animal Training

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Publish97 Animal Trainer.png
Animal Training (dt. Haustier Training) ist eine neue Funktion für Haustiere die mit Publish 97 eingeführt wurde.

Das Ganze startet mit einem Quest das man bei der neu eingeführten NPC-Berufsklasse der Animal Trainer beginnen kann. Eine Beschreibung der Möglichkeiten zum Anpassen der Fertigkeiten von Begleitern seit Publish 97 findet sich in Pet Combat Training. Die klassische Variante zum Training (die immernoch relevant ist) wird als Pet Skill Training geführt.

Die Animal Trainer (dt. Tier Trainer oder Haustier Trainer) begleiten den Spieler sei Publish 97 in der Ausbildung seiner Tiere und sind in den meisten Stallungen zu finden.

Wer das erste Mal einen Animal Trainer besucht erhält folgende Quest angeboten.


Haustier Training Entdecken (Discovering Animal Training)

"Years of patience and meticuluous study have paid off! New Animal Training techniques have been discovered! Animal tamers may now train their pets, teaching them new way to fight and survive! The first step is to tam a creature. Find a creature in the wild, and using your animal taming skill - tame it!"

Objective: All of the following - Tame a creature.

Reward: A step closer to mastering Animal Training.

Nachdem man ein Tier gezähmt hat geht man zurück und spricht den Animal Trainer wieder an.

"Now that your pet is tame, you must begin the training process. Pets will train while they are engaged in combat, and will progress as they battle other creatures. Pets train best against wild creatures, and will learn the most from the fiercest creatures in the realm! There is a limit to how much a pet can learn from a single foe, so make sure your pet has fresh adversaries!

When you are ready to begin the training process, use the Animal Lore skill on your pet and select "Begin Animal Training". When your pet has completed the training process you can teach them new way to fight and survive!"

Objective: Use the Animal Lore Skill on your pet and select "Begin Animal Training".

Reward: A step closer to mastering Animal Training.

"Now that you have started the training process it is time to lead your pet into battle! Pets will train while they are engaged in combat, and will progress as they battle other creatures. Pets train best against wild creatures, and will learn the most from the fiercest creatures in the realm! There is a limit to how much a pet can learn from a single foe, so make sure your pet has fresh adversaries! When the "Pet Training Progress" bar is full, your pet is ready to learn new way to fight and survive.

Now you must lead your pet into the wild and battle it against other creatures!"

Objective: Lead your pet into the wild and battle it against other creatures until the "Pet Training Progress" bar is full.

Reward: A step closer to mastering Animal Training.

"Now that your pet has fully trained, it is time to teach it something new! Use the Animal Lore skill on your pet and select "Pet Training Options". The Animal Training men ulists all of the available training properties you can apply to the pet.

The Categories pane shows the category of available properties:

  • Stats and Resist allow you to increase individual Stat and Resist properties for the pet.
  • Increase Magic Skill Caps and Increase Combat Skill Caps allow you to incerase skill caps for various magical and combat related skills. This process requires the use of Power Scrolls and only increases the skill cap, you will still need to train the pet in the specific skill through traditional pet skill training.
  • Magical Abilities allow you to give the pet magical abiliities in one of several spell schools.
  • Special Abilities allow you to give the pet special abilities, different than those traditionally found as weapon special moves.
  • Special Moves allow you to give the pet special moves, similar to those traditionally found as weapon special moves.
  • Area Effect Abiilities allow you to give the pet an area attack, targeting multiple adversaries within an area.

When you train your pet, the number of control slots the pet requires will increase. The maximum number of control slots any pet can have is 5, however individual pets have maximum control slots they can be trained to.

A pet can only learn so much during each training level. As you mix and match properties from the Animal Training menu, the amount of available training points will decrease based on your selections. Different property selections have different training point costs. When you are ready to apply a new property to your pet, select "Train Pet" and confirm you are ready to do so!"

Objective: All of the following: Us the Animal Lore skill on your pet and select "Pet Training Options" to mix and match which...

Reward: A step closer to mastering Animal Training.

Weitere Infos beim Training: Each training category is resctricted in how much a pet can learn. Pet can learn 1 school of magic, 1 special ability, 2 special moves and 1 area affect. A pet may learn a maximum of 3 total overall from any combination within those limits.

When you are ready to apply a new property to your pet, select "Train Pet" and confirm you are ready to do so! Remember! All training is final, so be sure you are training the creature the way you wish it to be trained!

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