A Brief History II

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Titel: A Brief History II

Autor: Chamberlain Kasha

A Brief History of the Lore Council and the Matriarchs

The Cataclysm at Anjur

As the Matriarch's forces approached the city of Anjur they came across an improvised magical barrier that had obviously been put up to keep them out. With the power that Tarathas had absorbed by this point, he had erected a barrier that was more powerful than the Matriarchs could have predicted, and it took all of their combined might to pierce through it and allow the scouts and hunters to enter the abandoned city. Despite the hardwon knowledge of the location of the nexus, there was no specific information as to where in the city it was located, so the infiltration force had to be split. Tarathas had managed to pierce the void and summon True Gazers to combat the Hunters and Scouts of the Matriarch's force, and their horrific might proved too much for many of the infiltrating force who laid down their lives that day. As the Matriarchs continued to be forced to hold the barrier open they were unable to join the battle, and due to the splitting of forces it came to be that only a handful of scouts and hunters were able to pierce into the city and find the nexus point. It is through the testimony of the three survivors of the battle against Tarathas that we know what occurred in the Nexus Chamber, and their stories are told here.

Huntress Jutha's Account

The True Gazers sent after us were formidable enemies, and during the fight against the three that we encountered on the way my companion, a scout named Reth, was disabled by a magical explosion that removed the lower half of his right leg. After the wound was tended I managed to hide him in an alcove and continue my descent into the city. As I neared further my Stinger grew anxious, the living weapon resonating and trembling in anticipation of the fight to come. As I descended a dark staircase I could feel my fur stand on end at the nape of my neck and a thrumming sound could only be the channeling of great magic ahead of me. As I snuck into the room I came upon the sight of a vast audience chamber, at the center of which was Chamberlain Tarathas of Ishpur. Using the dimly lit rooms shadows for concealment, I managed to sneak to within a few paces of Tarathas before readying myself to attack him. As are all Hunters and Huntresses, I am trained in a variety of ways to fight against mages, and I readied my silencing powder as my other hand held my Stinger ready. With a final bracing for the battle, I hurled myself at Tarathas and threw the silencing powder only for him to turn and blast it away with a gust of wind. I fired my Stinger at him, the poisoned barbs launching from its body and impacting into his arm as he raised it to block. I did my best to engage him at close range and managed to pull him away from the nexus, but as we fought I could hear the sounds of Gazers fighting nearby, and knew I likely had little time. I flung my body at him and managed to knock him to the ground and fire another round of barbs from my Stinger that embedded heavily into his gut. This attack left me wide open and much to my horror did not manage to finish him off, and with a burst of power he flung me across the chamber and into a support beam. The crumbling ruins of the support beam broke under the impact, and I was swallowed up by the resulting cave in, and though I could hear the battle continuing, I was trapped under the rubble until rescue arrived. By then, Tarathas had been slain.