The Arisen

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Naxatilor the Seer ist ein NPC-Charakter in der Holy City in Ter Mur.


Naxatilor the Seer: We need your assistance with a matter that is most grave. To the north, from within the Tomb of Kings, the Arisen are emerging each night to attack the Holy City.

Shortly after we unsealed the entrance to the Abyss, found in the dephts of the Tomb, strange happenings began to occur. At first, there were only a few reports of strange noses coming from the Tomb of Kings late at night. Investigating the Tomb during the daytime uncovered nothing unusual, so we sent someone to seek out the source of these noises one night. When morning came and he had not returned, we knew something was amiss.

We sent word to the Royal City asking for help, but the following night, unspeakable evil erupted from the entrance to the Tomb! A defense of the city was quickly marshaled, but the Arisen proved to be quite powerful. Unfortunately, they are also persistent, as every night since then, this city, the original birthplace of our people, has faced wave after wave of Arisen. We know not the cause of the attacks, nor the source, as investigations by daylight yield little. We have been hard pressed just to defen the Elders here, much less push the Arisen back into the Tomb.

We could use your help in this! Either help defend the Holy City at night, or enter the Tomb of Kings itself and seek out the Arisen at their source. It is your choice to make, as you know your own abilities best. If you decide to enter the Tomb of Kings, you'll need to speak the words "ord" and "an-ord" to pass the Serpent's Breath.

Succeed in this task, and I shall reward you well.

Objective: Only one of the following

Hat man die Monster erfolgreich ausradiert geht man zurück zu Naxatilor und erhält sein Lob:

Naxatilor the Seer: You have proven yourself both brave and worthy! Know that you have both our gratitude and our blessing to enter the Abyss, if you so wish.

All who wish to enter must seek out the Shrine of Singularity to the North for further meditation. Only those found to be on the Sacred Quest will be allowed to enter the Abyss. I would advise that you seek out some of the ancient texts in the Holy City Museum, which you can find to the south, so that you might focus better while meditating at the Shrine. As promised, here is your reward.

Reward: Necklace of Diligence