In The Weeds

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Version vom 4. März 2013, 10:40 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Farmer Nash ist ein NPC-Charakter in der Holy City in Ter Mur.


Beschreibung: Help Farmer Nash find his pitchfork by pulling the weeds in his garden util you uncover it. (Pull weeds by double clicking them) When you find it, return it to him for your reward.

Farmer Nash: I hate to trouble you, but sometimes a problem needs a plow and sometimes it needs a sword. I am good with a plow, but terrible with a sword.

I have been plagued with a strange weed for some time. Every day I have to clean them out of my garden and carry them away with my pitch fork. Yesterday I was working there and... well, I mus have nodded off because when I woke up my pitchfork was gone!

I have heard talk of thieves who seek treasure in the sacred tombs, but I really don't think they took my pitchfork, in fact I think it just got lost in the weeds!

I would find it myself, but now that we are so close to the edge of the world, many wild creatures are lurking about ans some might be hiding in these weeds. I've seen the creatures that have been roaming these parts recently and I fear for my life! The problem is, if I don't get my crop in the ground soon, we won't make it through the winter. Will you help?

Objective: All of the following

Nun durchsucht (sprich doppel-klickt) man die Weeds und bei praktisch jedem Klick erscheint ein Monster, das nach unserem Leben trachtet. Es kann von einer Snake bis zu einem Raptor oder ein Void Monster alles dabei sein. Sobald man die Pitchfork gefunden hat erhält man die Meldung You pick up the pitchfork and put it in your pack.. Als Quest-Item markiert, kann man sie nun zurückbringen:

Farmer Nash: Oh, thank you! Here is your reward as promised. I will get right back to work in a few minutes.


Hinweis: Die Quest lässt sich beliebige Male mit demselben Charakter wiederholen.