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What action i have to do with this char in a fight ?


i have a 7 gm mage with gm hide, gm poison and gm resist. but i cant play because my first real mage, what i have to do in fight versus dexer and versus a mage. what i have to cast, and what way i can programm a combo in uoassist ? i dont know what way i can cast a combo, with 2 or 3 hard spells on my opponent.

plz help me.


Ich bin vom Board gebannt.
:rofl: Was find ich diese Faker doch geil, die vorgeben, nur englisch zu können und wo man allein anhand der Satzstellung sagen kann, daß es ein Deutscher ist. MUUUUUUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!

Frag beim nächsten Mal vorher Deinen Englisch-Lehrer, ob er Dir Deinen Text in richtiges Englisch übersetzt! :dblick:


SuX schrieb:
but i cant play because my first real mage, what i have to do in fight versus dexer and versus a mage.
"Aber ich kann nicht spieln, da mein erster wirklicher Magier, was muß ich tun im kampf gegen einen dexxer und gegen einem Mage.

Wolle rose kaufe?


der arme sux... vielleicht isser ja däne oder so und kann so gut englisch wie ich...
mus ja nicht zwingend ein faker sein nur weil sein englisch scheisse ist


I Think, it would be better, if you would help your folk, that they do not disappear in the flood! :zunge:


Hello Sux,

the people in this Thread are not very friendly to you, they think you are a faker, because you have the same problem then i have. My English is also not the best.

Your Question is really not easy, i must give you very very long answers. I dont think that my English is good enough and i hope you can understand the following text´s.

Versus a Dexer you must cast Reactive Armor before the Duell starts. Then you must look which kind of Weapon the Dexer is using. If he use a 2-handed Weapon, you must Cast Poison, because he can´t cure with this kind of weapons. You must also look if the Dexer has balanced stats or not. When he has no balance, then you can lower his Intelligence and always use Mindblasts. If he has balanced stats, then it´s better you use a big Combo like weaken/Explo/Flamestrike/E-bolt....something like that. Often use Poison from a near Distance to the Fighter, because you are Poisoner.

Against a Mage you must also look at the stats. If the Mage is unbalanced, you must use Clumsy/Poison/Mindblast Combos. If he is balanced, then it´s better to do it with large Spells like e-bolt´s/Poison/Weaken Combo´s. You must disturb his Cure with a quick Clumsy casting. That´s not easy, but you must try it everytime. If the Mage is attacking you, always look at your Healthbar. You must cast the small Heal often and very quick. Normally the other Mage use Poison against you, that you cant Heal yourselfe. It´s very important to Cure yourselfe quickly. If the mana from your opponent is low, then you can start the next attack.

I hope that another UO-Player can give you answers in a better English.

good luck,



Ich bin vom Board gebannt.
Der typ is angeblich 7fach GM und zu doof zum combo casten... wo gibts denn sowas?

warum soll ein Pole auf diesem Board hier posten wos doch genügend englische gibt!

wie gesagt, des is ned normal so nen Char zu haben und sowas ned zu wissen... kann keinen combo casten, lol