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UOB Forum Event

Claire Repaire

Hi Folks,

since I´m to lazy to translate the full text into English, I would like to give a brief introduction to the UOB Forum Event on the 6th of February 2010:

- interesting, amazing, stunning and fascinating postings/questions/discussions about UO are highly welcome
- sensible, clever and open-minded contributions to existing discussions will be of great value
- the most exciting/valuable contributions to the forum discussions will be rewarded by ingame treasures

We are well aware of the fact, that most of you don´t speak German. So your option is to open discussion here and and make the English forums a real asset. :)

And, to make a start:
When does EA implement French Fries (or should I say "Belgian Fries") to satisfy the Belgian community? *giggles*

Looking forward to your ideas!



New Frarc

There is no such thing as french fries. :zunge:

American and British soldier ate our fries during world war. The Belgium army spoke french at those time. They thought we where from France. So they wrongly are calling them french fries!

People who traveled the world and have ate fries in Belgium just know they are the only and best fries of the world! Just like chocolate and beer but thats another story! :blinzel: