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Training of small furry animals


We are organizing a training evening for small animals, Friday the 9th of January 2015, at 8:30 pm CET, starting from the Moonglow beer garden.

Everyone is welcome to join. No animal taming skills are required - everyone willing to join is qualified. If you own a small animal you want to train, please bring it. If you do not own an animal but want one, we will try to provide it. If in any way possible, please have your animal "bonded" before the event starts.

In partcular I would like to see anyone who has a ferret from our last dragon taming evening. We are going to train these ferrets to handle the mongbat pest that Moonglow suffers from.

Our goal is to show people how to train small animals. Another goal is the actual training of the animals. Since we are likely not able to fully train the animals in one evening, we want to enable the participants to continue the training on their own.

I hope to see many of you.

Queen of the Unseelie Court, Governor of Moonglow

PS: If you don't know what 'bonding' pets means, please ask me or any other tamer online.
PPS: If you want a ferret or another small animal to participate, please ask me as soon as possible, ideally today, online.