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(Player Event) The Treasury. (1)

New Frarc


The Treasury.

The Treasury is a new type of events to help the cities treasury funding.
In these events we ask the participants to donate all the gold we collect during the event for 1 town we choose to donate too.
We can not force anyone to do this but it would be highly appreciated.
The first event will be a trip to Blood Dungeon in Ilshenar, Where we will fight, Blood Elementals, Daemons and Balrons.
T-Maps will be collected for a future "The Treasury" Event.
All gold will be collected by MJ and be donated to the city treasury at the end of the event.
The event will last between 1 and 1,5 hour.
We leave from West Britain Bank at 20:30 CEST on Saturday the 12th of April.
I hope to see many people to help out the towns.
Thank You!
The first town is: Trinsic.

New Frarc


The Treasury.

The Treasury is a new type of events to help the cities treasury funding.
In these events we ask the participants to donate all the gold we collect during the event for 1 town we choose to donate too.
We can not force anyone to do this but it would be highly appreciated.
The second event will be a trip to Blood Dungeon in Ilshenar, Where we will fight, Blood Elementals, Daemons and Balrons.
T-Maps will be collected for a future "The Treasury" Event.
All gold will be collected by MJ and be donated to the city treasury at the end of the event.
The event will last between 1 and 1,5 hour.
We leave from West Britain Bank at 20:30 CEST on Saturday the 31st of May.
I hope to see many people to help out the towns.
Thank You!
The second town is: Moonglow.

New Frarc


The Treasury.

The Treasury is a new type of events to help the cities treasury funding.
In these events we ask the participants to donate all the gold we collect during the event for 1 town we choose to donate too.
We can not force anyone to do this but it would be highly appreciated.
The third event will be A Treasure hunt with level 6 and 7 maps.
All gold will be collected by MJ and be donated to the city treasury at the end of the event.
The event will last between 1 and 1,5 hour.
We leave from West Britain Bank at 20:30 CEST on Saturday the 14th of June.
I hope to see many people to help out the towns.
Thank You!
The third town is: Minoc.