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(Player Event) Maritime Nights

New Frarc


Maritime Nights
26 December 2014
A new series of events that will take place in, around or under water.
For our seventeenth maritime night : Corgul the Soulbinder.
We sail to the Island of Corgul the Soulbinder on
Friday 16th December at 20:30 CET.
Gathering at West Britain Bank.

The more people join, the easier it gets.
Come and join us to try to kill this monster and die a lot!
(High Seas Booster Required)

New Frarc


Maritime Nights
17 January 2015
A new series of events that will take place in, around or under water.
For our eightteenth maritime night : White Net Toss
We Like to invite everyone for a white net toss event on Saturday 17 of January 2015.
Gathering at 20:30 CET at New Magincia Docks.
We going to try to summon Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer a few times.
Be prepared for some heavy fighting!
Please feel free to join in the fun!

Donations of extra white nets to be used is welcomed
Hope to see you all on Saturday!

New Frarc


Maritime Nights
14 February 2015
A new series of events that will take place in, around or under water.
For our nineteenth maritime night : Corgul the Soulbinder.
We sail to the Island of Corgul the Soulbinder on
Saturday 14th February at 20:30 CET.
Gathering at West Britain Bank.

The more people join, the easier it gets.
Come and join us to try to kill this monster and die a lot!
(High Seas Booster Required)

New Frarc


Maritime Nights
15 March 2015
A new series of events that will take place in, around or under water.
For our twentieth maritime night : Corgul the Soulbinder.
We sail to the Island of Corgul the Soulbinder on
Sunday 15th March at 20:30 CET.
Gathering at West Britain Bank.

The more people join, the easier it gets.
Come and join us to try to kill this monster and die a lot!
(High Seas Booster Required)

New Frarc


Maritime Nights
23 May 2015
A new series of events that will take place in, around or under water.
For our twenty-first maritime night : Corgul the Soulbinder.
We sail to the Island of Corgul the Soulbinder on
Saturday 23rd May at 20:30 CEST.
Gathering at West Britain Bank.

The more people join, the easier it gets.
Come and join us to try to kill this monster and die a lot!
(High Seas Booster Required)

New Frarc


Maritime Nights
16 August 2015
A new series of events that will take place in, around or under water.
For our twenty-second maritime night : Corgul the Soulbinder.
We sail to the Island of Corgul the Soulbinder on
Sunday 16th August at 20:30 CEST.
Gathering at West Britain Bank.

The more people join, the easier it gets.
Come and join us to try to kill this monster and die a lot!
(High Seas Booster Required)​