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Ihr Knechte


I also showed him the Windows 98 CD, to my surprise he threw it into my micro-wave oven and turned on the oven.After a few minutes he took the CD out, gave it to me and said: 'Take a close look at it.' To my surprise the CD was quite cold to hold. At first I could not see anything, but then on the inner edge of the central hole I saw an inscription; an inscription finer than anything I have ever seen before: 4F6E65204F5320746F2072756C65207468656D206 16C6C2C20 4F6E65204F5320746 F2066696E64207468656D2CDA4F6E65204F53 20746F2062726 96E67207468656D20 616C6C20616E6420696E20746865206461726 B6E6573732062 696E64207468656D 'I cannot understand the fiery letters,' I said. 'No,' he said 'but I can. The letters are Hex, of an ancient mode, but the language is that of Microsoft, which I shall not utter here. But in common English this is what it says: One OS to rule them all!

One Tano to rule them all!