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hat mal einer o.r.b. gespielt?


habs nicht selber gespielt.

8.0 Presentation
The interface looks nice and the game is presented pretty well for the most part with a decent story.

8.0 Graphics
O.R.B. looks good. Backdrops, lighting, and ship models are all done fairly well. Bases however are pretty stagnant sadly enough.

7.5 Sound
Sound effects are all done pretty well and the voicework is decent as well when it's there.

7.0 Gameplay
It's a decent RTS with some good features, but the lack of interesting missions, hit and miss AI, and generally uninteresting units (in terms of functionality) make the game falter.

7.5 Lasting Appeal
I don't really want to play it anymore, but if you've got it and are stuck with it there's mutliplayer enough to keep you going.

(out of 10 / not an average)

6.9 READER SCORE: (based on average user scores)
quelle IGN