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EM Program August 2015

New Frarc


EM Schedule August 2015

Dear Drachenfelsians, today I can inform you about the program for the month of August. Because everywhere all the big holidays are in progress, the program this month will look a little bit different.

August 2015 – Month of the Huntmaster
Throughout whole of August, a Huntmaster-Competition takes place. Desired categories are: Alligator, Grey Wolf and Turkey. Those can be captured by the “Huntmasters”-Quest in Skara Brae, and recorded via hunting permit (or even as a trophy), and then delivered to the mailbox at the EM Reward Museum. The month of the permit/trophy has to state August 2015. The three winners of each category with the most heavy/largest capture will receive a named plaque in the EM Museum.

Sunday August 9th – Mini Event: Game Night (Ludo or chess)
Sunday August 23rd – Main Event: Darian’s Message (Part III)
Saturday August 29th – Global Event: The Despair Diamond of Ilshenar
Sunday August 30th – Royal Audience (Castle Blackthorn, Britain, Trammel)

All events are starting at 8:30pm CEST, meeting point as always is the Counselor’s Hall in Britain, Trammel – any difference from that will be posted in advance.

If you have pictures from former/older events, and you think they fit into the gallery, please mail them to me. Thanks!

EM Lyraa