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[29.12.16, 20:30 cet] Surpriseevent for EM Lyraa


Dear Drachenfelsians,

Nicnivin, Eysha and myself thought that it's about time to show some appreciation for our beloved EM Lyraa.

The past year, Lyraa worked very hard for us: be it by creating awesome events, design cool dropitems or by helping us with with small additions to our towns and player establishments.

And thus we would like to host our very own event for HER.
_What exactly_ we are going to do, I cannot tell yet - But it would be nice if you would come and show your appreciation.

But I can give you a little hint on what to expect: We wanted this event to happen in 2016 in order to look back at the great events we had this year.

We are are looking forward to see all of you!

Until then we wish you a pleasent holidayseason...

Yours sincerely


We will start from the Counselor's Hall - I will try to provide Gates from WBB und Luna Mint