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Version vom 6. März 2013, 18:06 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Percolem the Hunter ist links beim Eingang zum Palast in der Royal City in Ter Mur zu finden.

Hinweis: Percolem bietet sogenannte Stufen Quests an, wer 5 "Stufe 1"-Quests ausführt, kann danach "Stufe 2"-Quests erhalten, das gilt ebenso dann für die "Stufe 3"-Quests. Raptorlicious ist ein "Stufe 1"-Quest.

Quest Log

Ever since one of those nasty boura crushed my leg, I havn't been up to my usual duties. My wife thinks that I'm getting to be too old to be out in the woods and down in the abyss as much as I was when I was younger. I'm a hunter, you see, and keeping dangerous creatures at bay is my responsibility. Do you think you are strong enough to take on the packs of wild raptors that roam to the south outside of the city? Those raptor packs are getting out of control and have been attacking travelers to the Holy City. In exchange for your help, I can offer you some of my wife's stock of imbuing ingredients."


"I see that you have returned successful in your task. That is enough for today, here is your reward. I will have more work for you in a bit if you wish to come back."
