Journal: Discovery of the Tomb (Day 7)

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by Tavara Sewel

"Day Seven:

T'was written that, upon his death, Khal Ankur's followers, those known as the Keepers of the Seventh Death, sealed themselves within the Sanctum they had carved from the mountains in his honor. The Zealots of his order entombed the lesser followers alive, then, when all but two remained, slit their throats and joined Khal Ankur in death. Surely this is not surprising for a Cult that worshipped death and sacrifice so vehemently as it is said that the Keepers did - any yet, to be in this Tomb, to know that somewhere in its depths hundreds upon hundreds of bodies lay, sealed alive at their own behest...

I must confess that the very thought of it troubles my dreams at night. I've asked Lysander if we might reestablish the camp outside the Tomb, setting up night watches and some sort of fortification, but he'll have none of it. I did not press the issue, as I suddenly felt foolish even at my askance."