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Bescheidenheit (engl. "Humility") ist eine der acht Tugenden (engl. "Virtues") in Ultima Online. Demut ist das Gegenteil von Stolz, welcher durch die Abwesenheit von Wahrheit, Liebe und Mut verursacht wird. Die dazugehörenden Wiederbelebungs-Schreine finden sich in ganz Sosaria verteilt.

Die Original Beschreibung aus Ultima Online lautet:

"Humility is perceiving one's place in the world, not according to one's own accomplishments, but according to the intrinsic value of all individuals. One gains Humility through helping young players. Humility hunts."
(Demut bedeutet die Wahrnehmung des eigenen Platzes in seiner Welt, aber nicht entsprechend der eigenen Ansicht nach, sondern der Ansicht nach von allen anderen Individuen. Man erhält Demut indem man jungen Spielern hilft. Demut Jagden abhält.)

Details zur Tugend

Bescheidenheit (Humility)
Symbol Hirtenstab
Abgeleitet von Wahrheit, Liebe und Mut (unabhängig voneinander)
Anti-Tugend Stolz (engl. "Pride")
Original-Klasse Schäfer
Original-Heimatstadt Magincia (New Magincia)
Gegnerisches Verlies Doom
Mantra Lum
Farbe Schwarz
Gefährte Katrina
Rune Hirtenstab
Wort der Stärke Veramocor
Ankh Pendant +3 Zufällige Regeneration

Das Talent der Tugend

Der Schrein auf Trammel (bzw. auch Felucca)

Die Tugend steigern

Seit Publish 90 darf man sich über diese Tugend freuen!

Wie erhalte ich diese Tugend?

  • Um die Demut Jagd beginnen, sage die Wörter "lum lum lum" (Meldung: "You have begun your journey on the Path of Humility. Your resists have been debuffed by -70.")
  • Während der Demuts-Jagd werden Spieler, Haustiere und beschworene Kreaturen einen Malus von -70 auf alle Resistenzen erhalten
  • Das Verstecken per Zauber, Tränken oder Truthahnfedern wird, währenddem man auf einer Demuts-Jagd ist, verboten
    • Spieler erhalten Punkte für Demut indem sie bös ausgerichtete Kreaturen töten
    • Die Jagd kann Spieler beenden indem er wiederum "lum lum lum" spricht. Nach 30 Sekunden wird der Zustand der Resistenzen wieder normalisiert. Es gibt eine 60 Sekunden Abklingzeit um die Jagd erneut zu starten (Meldung: "Your journey on the Path of the Humble will end in 30 seconds, at that time your resists will be returned to normal" - und danach dann: "You have ended your journey on the Path of Humility.")


Wie verwende ich die Tugend?

  • Über das Tugend Menü, doppelklicken auf die Demut Tugend, dann erhält man einen Zielcursor (Meldung: Target the pet you wish to embrace with your Humility...)
  • Zielt man auf ein Haustier, erhält es 20 Minuten lang einen Lebenspunkte (Hitpoint) Regenerations Bonus basierend auf dem Stand des Tugendpfades, das Anwenden verbraucht einige der Punkte dabei:
    • Seeker: +10 HPR
    • Follower: +20 HPR
    • Knight: +30 HPR


Folgende Titel (derzeit nur übers Virtue Gump ersichtlich) sind möglich:

  • Seeker of Humility
  • Follower of Humility
  • Knight of Humility.

Schreine und Mondtore der Tugend

Verworfene Pläne für Humility

Obwohl sie während einiger Scenarios eingeführt hätte werden sollen, wurde diese Tugend nie so umgesetzt. Dies sind die sehr frühen Pläne dazu:

Pursuit of Humility will be designed to encourage veteran players to help new players, in that they will specifically advance in this Virtue by helping [young] players.

Squire System: Veteran players will be able to invite [young] players to become their squires.

  • A veteran player can ask a [young] player to be his/her squire by:
    • Opening up the Virtue gump
    • Double-clicking the Humility symbol (the shepherd’s crook)
    • Targeting the [young] player
  • If the [young] character is not available to be a squire:
    • The veteran player receives a message telling him that the young player is not available.
    • The young player does not get any message or additional gumps.
  • If the [young] character is available to be a squire:
    • The [young] player receives a gump telling them that a veteran has asked them to be a squire, and they are asked if they want to learn more. This gump has three buttons:
      • “Yes” — creates a new gump with more information and the name of the character who asked them to be a squire.
      • “No” — declines the invitation.
    • The veteran character is sent a message letting him know the invitation was declined.
    • The veteran character cannot ask that new player again for 5 minutes.
    • If the veteran character tries to ask the young player again before the 5 minutes are up, the veteran will receive a message that he must wait. The young player does not get a gump or message.
      • “No — make me unavailable to be a squire” — makes the young character unavailable for the remainder of their time online.
    • If the [young] player accepts the invitation to become a squire, a second gump appears. This will have more information about the Virtue of Humility, the veteran character’s name, and three buttons.
      • “Yes” —creates the partnership between the two characters.
        • A message is sent to the veteran confirming the acceptance.
        • The [young] character’s name will hue as light blue, letting other players know he is no longer available as a squire, since the [young] character already has a sponsor.
      • “No” — declines the invitation.
        • The veteran character is sent a message letting him know the invitation was declined.
        • The veteran character cannot ask that new player again for 5 minutes.
        • If the veteran character tries to ask the young player again before the 5 minutes are up, the veteran will receive a message that the young player is not available. The young player does not get a gump or message.
      • “No — make me unavailable to be a squire” — makes the young character unavailable for the remainder of their time online.
    • Once the [young] player has accepted, the veteran character becomes the [young] player’s sponsor.
    • If another veteran tries to invite that young to be a squire the veteran will be told that the young player is not available and the young player will not receive any gumps or messages.
    • Whenever a [young] character gains skill points in the following skills while within a squire-sponsor relationship, the sponsor may gain points in Humility:
      • Alchemy
      • Animal Taming
      • Archery
      • Blacksmithy
      • Bowcraft/Fletching
      • Carpentry
      • Cartography
      • Cooking
      • Fencing
      • Fishing
      • Healing
      • Inscription
      • Lockpicking
      • Mace Fighting
      • Magery
      • Mining
      • Provocation
      • Stealing
      • Swordsmanship
      • Tailoring
      • Tinkering
      • Veterinary
    • A new gump will appear to the [young] player 10 minutes after accepting to become a squire. This gump will ask them if they are enjoying their time, and has two response buttons:
      • “Continue” — pressing this option will allow the sponsor-squire relationship to continue without interference, and this same gump will appear 20 minutes later
      • “Stop” —upon pressing this response button, three things will happen:
        • The [young] player will be teleported to Haven
        • The veteran receives a message that the tie has been broken
        • The sponsor-squire relationship ends.
    • When either character logs out, the sponsor/squire partnership ceases to exist.
      • If the veteran character logs out but the [young] player does not, that [young] player will be given a gump telling them that they are no longer a squire ,and ask them if they want to go back to Haven. There will be 2 response buttons:
      • “No” — leaves them where they are.
      • “Yes” — sends them to Haven.
    • The veteran player can end the sponsor-squire relationship at any time, by the following steps:
      • Opening the Virtue gump
      • Pressing the Humility symbol
      • Targeting himself
        • When the relationship is ended in this way, the new player will be given a notice and the option to go to Haven.
    • There are certain situations which will affect a sponsor’s gaining of new squires and/or Humility points:
      • Veteran characters will not be able to ask [young] players to become squires while in Haven.
      • In order for the sponsor to gain in Humility, he must remain close to the [young] character as that [young] character gains skill.
    • Skill points gained through the use of a training dummy will not count toward possible Humility increases.
    • Skill points gained by paying for training from NPCs will not count toward possible Humility increases.
    • [Young] characters will not gain Humility points.
    • The sponsor cannot gain Humility points while dead.
  • A feedback gump will be part of the Humility system.
    • The [young] player will receive this gump, asking them to rate their experience as a squire, when:
      • The [young] player decides to break the tie,
      • The veteran player logs off or breaks the tie,
      • The [young] player’s account (who was a squire at any time) loses it’s [young] status.
    • The following response will be available on this gump, and these will be tracked by OSI to assist in modifying the system as necessary:
      • “I benefited a great deal from being a squire.”
      • “I got some benefit from being a squire.”
      • “I benefited very little from being a squire.”
      • “Being a squire hurt my experience in UO.”
      • “I am not new to UO. This is a second account.”

Virtuous Title & Abilities: When a character has achieved any number of Humility points, he is considered to have achieved a certain step on the path of Humility.

  • When a player moves his cursor over the Humility symbol, a title will be displayed, indicating the step currently achieved in Humility for that character.
    • First step: Seeker of Humility
    • Second step: Follower of Humility
    • Third step: Knight of Humility
  • Players who progress any number of steps on the path of Humility, but do not continue to actively pursue it, may discover that this Virtuous title reduces in steps over time.
  • Gaining steps in Humility will grant a character some special abilities. Players will be able to access these abilities by clicking the Humility symbol on their own Virtue gump.
  • First step: +5 Hit Points, +5 Mana, +5 Stamina
  • Second step: +10 Hit Points, +10 Mana, +10 Stamina
  • Third step: +20 Hit Points, +20 Mana, +20 Stamina