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Koole the Arcanist ist ein NPC-Charakter in Sanctuary bei Britain.

Quest Log

Hinweis: Dieses Quest ist eine mehrteilige Questreihe, die von kriegserprobten Charakteren angenommen werden sollte, da Sanctuary selbst ein hartes Pflaster ist. Sie berechtigt den Questnehmer dazu, den Spellweaving Skill zu lernen und benutzen zu dürfen. Eine weitere, sehr ähnliche Quest, Patience, kann in Heartwood City absolviert werden.


Koole: "Learning to weave spells and control the forces of nature requires sacrifice, discipline, focus, and an unwavering dedication to Sosaria herself. We do not teach the unworthy. They do not comprehend the lessons nor the dedication required. If you would walk the path of the Arcanist, then you must do as I require without hesitation or question. Your first task is to rid our home of rats... 50 of them in the next hour."

Objective: 50 Rats innerhalb 3'600 Sekunden (1 Stunde; das geht sehr gut im unteren Level ohne grossen Störungen ausser von den Ratmen)

Reward: The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.

Needs of the Many - Sanctuary

Koole: "The way the Arcanis involves cooperation with others and a strong committment ot the community of your people. We have run low on the cotton we use to pack wounds and our people have need. Bring 10 Bales of Cotton to me."

Objective: 10 Bale of Cotton

Reward: The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.

Koole: "Well, where are the cotton bales?"

Making a Contribution - Sanctuary

Koole: "We must look to the defense of our people! Bring boards for new arrows."

Obtain: 250 Boards (normales Holz)

Reward: The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.

Koole: "Well, where are the boards?"

Supplies for Sanctuary

Koole: "With health and defense assured, we need look to the need of the community for food and drink. We will feast on fish steaks, sweets, and wine. You will supply the ingredients, the cooks will prepare the meal. As a Aranist relies upon others to build focus and lend their power to her workings, the community needs the effort of all to survive."


Reward: The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.

Koole: "Ah good, you're back. We're eager for the feast."

The Human Blight

Koole: "You have proven your desire to contribute to the community and serve the people. Now you must demonstrate your willingness to defend Sosaria from the greatest blight that plagues her. The human vermin that have spread as a disease, despoiling the land are the greatest blight we face. Kill humans and return to me the proof of your actions. Bring me 30 Human Ears."



Dies kann man heutzutage am besten in Ilshenar machen, wenn man durch das Valor Mondtor geht in südliche Richtung reist, bis man, in der Nähe und südlich von Terort Skitas, in einem kleinen Brigand Camp landet. Dort finden sich rote Briganten, nebst Evil Mages und einigen Gazern.

Koole: "I will take the ears you have collected now. Hand them here."

Ab sofort kann der Arcanist nun die Spellweaving Zaubersprüche in seinem Buch sammeln und benutzen.

Weitere Informationen zum Thema