BNN: A Mystical Beginning

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A Mystical Beginning

Wilki the Scribe Jan 18 2005 9:21PM

Serpent's Spine MountainsThere have been reports of a swarm of minor earthquakes in the Serpent's Spine Mountains, but the cause of these quakes is as of yet unknown...

He was tired. From his leathery, weather-beaten face to the ever present crook in his back, it was immediately apparent to those who cared to look – which, truth be told, wasn’t all that many - that this was a man who was no stranger to hard labor. A life spent searching for ore in the Serpent’s Spine Mountains tends to leave those who have chosen that life worn to the bone. Gerold Tiggins was no exception.

But tired as he was, now was not the time for rest. Not many things could get ol’ Tiggins excited these days. Maybe finding a valorite vein, perhaps. Not that he ever had, of course, but that might do it. But no, even precious valorite was out of his mind today, as he was totally preoccupied with the strange object he had found embedded deep in a rock formation in the depths of Despise. Two weeks ago, a small ground tremor caused a series of cave-ins in the deepest part of the dungeon. Digging his way through the jumbled pile of rocks, Tiggins found a newly exposed section of fresh rock. He was, to his knowledge, the only person to have been this far down since the tremor, and he hoped to capitalize on the newly uncovered treasure he had found.

Not that he was really educated enough to fully understand what he had found. Nor would fate be gracious enough to allow him the chance to figure it out.

For no sooner had Tiggins managed to chip away enough rock to uncover what was clearly a blade made of some exotic material - a blade engraved with mystical glowing symbols - than the sound of heavy footsteps in the darkness behind him reached his ears.

The end came fast.

Tiggins turned around just in time to catch a glimpse of an axe sweeping through the air, the light from his lantern glinting off its edge, just before it cut into his old, tired body. The last thing he saw before the darkness closed in was the face of the lizardman holding the axe. A face that had already forgotten Tiggins, and was staring beyond him in fascination at the Mystic Sword still half embedded in the dungeon wall.

Finally, Gerold Tiggins could get some rest.

Despise Invasion Information


With the 29th cycle of the published history of Sosaria revealed, so was a great and catastrophic danger - a massive Invasion is underway. Lizardmen, Trolls, Ettins, Cyclops, Titans and many other foul and deadly creatures are swarming by the hundreds of thousands, sharpening their claws and axes as they engage in massive bloodshed. Surely Britannia will be destroyed if the brave citizens do not band together and hold off the invading forces.


Q: How does the Invasion work? A: There will be 8 spawn locations where humanoid armies from Despise will spawn in their attempt to invade Britain. Brave adventurers will have to beat back the spawn at each spawn location in order to stop the Invasion.

Q: Where does the Invasion begin? A: The Invasion begins at the spawn location nearest to the dungeon Despise, and furthest from the city of Britain.

Q: How can the defenders beat back the Invasion? A: The defenders of Britannia must band together and kill enough of the Invasion force to cause it to retreat back to Despise. Keep in mind that there is a limited amount of time that the defenders have to do this; otherwise the Invasion will advance closer to Britain.

Q: If the defenders don’t beat back the Invasion, how long will it take to advance to Britain? A: Roughly 8 hours of real time.

Q: What happens if the defenders beat the Invasion force? A: The Invasion force will go into retreat, hiding among the Serpent’s Spine Mountains while they rest for a period of time before they rally and attempt the Invasion again. The more times that the defenders beat the Invasion force, the longer it will take for the Invasion force to recover.

Q: Is there any way to trigger the Invasion before it is ready? A: No. Once the Invasion force has recovered, an ethereal hued Lizardman scout will appear in Britain. Killing him causes the Invasion to commence.

Q: What types of creatures make up the Invasion force? A: Lizardmen, Earth Elementals, Ettins, Trolls, Ogres, Cyclopean Warriors, Ogre Lords and Titans.

Q: Who are these Generals that seem to be leading the Invasion force? A: Generals are quite a bit tougher than the other troops in the Invasion force. Only Cyclopean Warriors, Ogre Lords and Titans can spawn as Generals. They have higher stats and skills than their normal counterparts, give more fame, have lower karma, are faster, hit harder and have the ability to rally themselves and any troops around them.

Q: Do Generals carry better loot? A: Yes. Generals are the only creatures in the Invasion force that can carry Power, Vanquishing and Mystic weapons.

Q: What are Power, Vanquishing and Mystic weapons? A: These weapons spawn with a range of properties, listed below:

  • Power – Damage Increase 30%, 2 additional magic properties of 30-60%
  • Vanquishing – Damage Increase 35%, 3 additional magic properties of 30-60%
  • Mystic – Damage Increase 40%, 4 additional magic properties of 40-80%

Q: The Security Consultant found inside the West Britain Bank seems to be greedy. What does he do? A: The Security Consultant is definitely a greedy individual. He is not above taking bribes and using some of the gold to pay off his friends so that they stay outside of the city.

Q: Does killing the Lizardman scouts advance/impede the Invasion? A: With the exception of the ethereal hued Lizardman scout that only appears when the Invasion is finished recovering and ready to go, Lizardman scouts have no impact on the progress of the Invasion.

Q: Why do Invasion creatures sometimes disappear? A: The Invasion troops are trained to stick together and fight as a cohesive force. If you manage to lure one too far away from its comrades, it will eventually realize its error and go back to the spawn area it came from.

A Mystical Beginning

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