*Stack of Letters*

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Titel: *Stack of Letters*

Autor: Holly Erickson


The house is so empty without you. Please return soon.

Love always,



I love you and miss you too but I'm trying to secure a future for us. Please be patient with me?

Forever yours,



I am trying, my love, but I feel so anxious without you here. Hurry back!

Love always,



Take a minute to think about being wrapped up in my arms. Relax and just imagine life with us taken care of. I should be home within the month. I've already gotten two contracts. Three more and I'll be home. Norbert, at the Butcher's Knife in Vesper, did not even let me finish before asking where to sign. The harbormaster from Cove took a bit of convincing but he eventually signed up for one of our food carts. See? Even without succeeding in Britain or Yew, we're off to a good start. Hopefully I will be able to finish up in Skara Brae or Trinsic. I love you more than anything.


PS: Oakley said he would "get back to me" so you might want to drop by The Barnacle with a batch of those sausage and cheddar biscuits for him.


Thank you for making me smile! Oakley loved the biscuits and he said he would like to talk to you as soon as you return about one of our carts.

Love always,



That's great! Two more and I'll be home then.

You should have seen this man performing in Skara with his dogs today. They were fine and then for no reason they just sat and refused to obey him.

The way he got all red-faced and angry looked just like the old blacksmith when he'd catch us up on his roof. It was probably more entertaining than his usual act.

You're never far from my thoughts, love.



Something terrible has happened! I went by to drop off more samples for Oakley and he was frantic. His brother was at the mines when they were attacked. Please come home now! I do not want to be alone!



The mines were attacked? What happened? I can't come home right now. I've almost got enough business to secure us for the rest of our lives. I just need a little more time. I love you so much. Please let me take care of you.



It's been a week since I've heard from you. I don't know if you're cross with me or what. Please just tell me you're okay. I love you and miss you.



I hope this letter finds you well. It seems like everywhere is being raided. Please avoid the main trade routes and come home now. I love you and miss you.



Stay inside and bar the door. There are enough supplies in the cellar that you shouldn't have to leave the house. Only come up to retrieve my letters if you think it's safe. I'm on my way home now. I love you.



The prices of everything have gone up. The people started picking fights with the shopkeepers. The guards are talking about a curfew. This does not bode well. I wish I was home with you already. I love you so much.



The world's gone mad!

People are rioting! They're firebombing the stores! Caravans are being raided! Just stay inside. No more letters. I'm almost home. I love you and I'll be back with you soon.
