Guard Captain

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Version vom 26. Mai 2013, 17:48 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Der Guard Captain in Moonglow
Mit Publish 74 kamen in den Städten die Guard Captains, die Informationen über die rebellierenden Banden gaben. Ebenso stand neben ihnen eine Kiste Box of Ropes (dt. Kiste mit Seilen), worin man die notwendigen Seile (Guardsman's Rope) fand um die Banditen zu fesseln. Die entsprechende Städteloyalität liess sich darauffolgend an den Taten ablesen (eine einzige Stadt zu favorisieren war von Vorteil).

Betroffen waren die Städte von

Erklärungen zur Rebellion

"The citizenry of Britannia are beginning a rebellion, and we must do what we can to maintain order.
Many of our poorer brothers and sisters are protesting, because they cannot earn a living in these hard times. Gifts of money, food, and clothing would go far to ease their fears.
Some of our citizens have begun to riot. They have crossed the line and are causing destructin! There are too many of them for the city guard to handle. Please, take this rope and use it to arrest the rioters, and return them here.
The rioters are starting fires and leaving trails of destruction behind them. We desperately need your help putting out the fires. Also, cleaning up the garbage would certainly be appreciated. (To put out a fire or clean up garbage, double-click it.)
Groups of raiders from other cities have been infiltrating our city and attacking innocent citizens! These vagabonds must be stopped. Use spell and steel, or set your dragons loos on them if need be.
Slay the riders if you must. However, you may attempt to subdue and arrest them. If you do so, they must be returend to their home city. Our jails are overflowing!
Our coffers are empty. The city cannot offer you any reward other than our thanks. Word of your deeds will spread.
Be wary though. Britannians are turning against eacht other. If you try to lend a hand to everyone, all may end up hating you. Right now, your loyalty means as much as your assistance!"

Stand heute (Mai 2013) gibt es diese Captains immer noch, die Banditen sind aber verschwunden.

Standorte der Guard Captains

Weitere Informationen zum Thema