Travis' Journey

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Version vom 13. Mai 2012, 21:18 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „'''Titel: Travis' Journey''' '''Autor: Travis Eorluth''' It been quite a while since I been told ta write ta be truthful, but I been encounterin some interestin…“)
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Titel: Travis' Journey

Autor: Travis Eorluth

It been quite a while since I been told ta write ta be truthful, but I been encounterin some interestin thins as of late. Never know when a fisherman be needed, but the New Magincians be a right friendly bunch, an I aint never been sad ta know them yet. The seas been a rough mistress lately she has, but her bounty ebb and flow like the tides she do, and ya take the good with the bad. I guess I should get ta my story before I lose ya readin, so I'll nah waste ya time further.

It were nigh about a fortnight ago we left the docks here an set a course fer that fancy floatin dock city to trade stories and goods with the other merchants and traders, and was on the way that we got attacked. Were about two hours past dusk we see a ship's lights approachin on the horizon an she flyin the Tokunese flag. She come up alongside us fore we could see they be manning their cannons and loosed a broadside upon us, rockin the boat neath us and shaking the ship itself. As a few of them loosed ropes and hurled them at our boat, they did their best ta board us while we fended the bastards off. Weren't long before a few of them were on our decks, but our Cap'n let loose with a conflagration potion that set off their powder stores, an their ship went down in a blaze of fire an explosions.

As we limped our way back ta the docks at New Mag, the two pirates left alive surrendered to our mercies, though ta be sure there weren't much mercy ta be had fer em that night. When we asked em why they be attackin us when we just carryin a load of provisions, seeds, an various domestic goods we were surprised when we found out they weren targetin us at random.

They knew what we be carryin an were apparently a set of lads that used ta run a quick jaunt between Trinsic and the Den. Said with the shortages they couldn't be keepin they families fed an turned ta plyin the other side of the field of shippin ta try an make up fer it. I don't bloody know what's worse... that they were driven ta this in a way that could happen ta any of us, or that we had no recourse but ta turn them over like any pirate an send them off ta rot or be killed. Virtues be damned, weren't no real justice had.