BNN: Elven Prosecutor Assigned to Ricardo Trial!

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Elven Prosecutor Assigned to Ricardo Trial!

Saax Pannae Sep 22 2006 7:45PM

The cities of Britannia were informed by dispatch this morning that Casca of Heartwood has been placed in charge of the trial of Ricardo. Readers may remember that Casca has recently made a name for himself in the courts system by being amongst the first elves to participate in our modern legal system.

The Court of Justice in Yew has declared that Casca was a natural choice per his previous service to the kingdom in lighter matters of state and political issues. His lack of criminal experience is balanced, they say, by his impartiality in the matter as Heartwood was left unaffected by the Ophidian attacks.

Casca has publicly asked those with information concerning the Ricardo’s crimes, or who wish to assist the kingdom in preparing its case, to step forward and speak with him in Yew.

Ricardo couldn’t be reached for comment on this development, as he is under heavy guard in Trinsic while awaiting extradition.

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