Publish 1999 (Holiday Gifts)

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Version vom 25. Februar 2012, 00:03 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Holiday Gifts Dec 17 1999 2:18PM CST Players will receive tickets when logging in their characters. Any ticket can be matched to any other player's ticket. Onc…“)
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Holiday Gifts Dec 17 1999 2:18PM CST Players will receive tickets when logging in their characters. Any ticket can be matched to any other player's ticket. Once a ticket is used on another ticket, each player can select from a variety of holiday gifts, compliments of Origin. The tickets are blessed, meaning they cannot be looted or stolen. In addition, each ticket can only be used by the original owner of the ticket.

Matching Tickets To use the tickets, simply open a trade window. Once one ticket is in the window, you do not need to actually agree to the trade. Double-click on your ticket and target the player’s ticket in the trade window. You will then be given a window from which to select your gift. You do not need to actually give your ticket to another player to use them.

The Gifts All of the gifts are blessed. They cannot be looted or stolen. As with all blessed items it is important to leave the item in your main backpack. Placing a blessed gift in a container inside your backpack will make the item susceptible to thieves as they can steal the container with the blessed item inside.

       Selecting the snowballs will place a snow pile in your backpack. To throw a snowball at another player, double-click the snow pile and target a player. Only players who have a snow pile in their backpack can be targeted in this manner. You will receive a message if the targeted player is not a valid target.
       There is a delay as to how often you can throw a snowball from the snow pile.
       The snow piles have unlimited uses. 
   Potted Plants
       Selecting the potted plant will place a potted plant deed in your backpack.
       To get your plant, double-click the deed. This will place one of five random potted plants on the ground at your feet.
       Once placed the plant can be picked up and carried.
       Potted plants need to be locked down after Phase III of Clean Up Britannia begins.
       Although the potted plant deed is blessed, the plant itself is not. 
   Fireworks Wand
       The fireworks wand will shoot fireworks when double-clicked.
       The wand has 100 charges. 
   Clothing Bless Deed
       Selecting the clothing bless deed will place a deed in your backpack.
       The deed can be used on any article of clothing (such as tunics, boots, hats, etc.)
       After double-clicking the deed, target an article of clothing. Once targeted, the clothing will become blessed (meaning it cannot be stolen or looted).
       Blessed clothing can still take damage (from maces for example). 
       Selecting the wristwatch will place a watch in your backpack.
       The watch will tell the time in Britannia, which can be very useful when using the moongates. 
   Holiday Tree Deed
       Selecting the Holiday Tree Deed will place a deed in your backpack.
       To place the tree in your house, double-click the deed. This will place the tree at your feet.
       Holiday Trees cannot be placed within three tiles of your front door and cannot be placed outside.
       Holiday Trees do not need to be locked down once Phase III of Clean Up Britannia is published.
       Holiday Trees can only be placed by the house owner. 

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