Publish 1999 (Maker's Mark?

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Version vom 25. Februar 2012, 00:01 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Maker's Mark Nov 23 1999 2:40PM CST Maker’s Marks Some of the trade skills will be enhanced to allow for more flexibility and personalization of their wares.…“)
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Maker's Mark Nov 23 1999 2:40PM CST Maker’s Marks Some of the trade skills will be enhanced to allow for more flexibility and personalization of their wares. These enhancements will affect Tailors, Carpenters, Blacksmiths, and Tinkers.

   In addition to Blacksmiths and Tailors – Bowcrafters, Carpenters and Tinkers will now be able to craft "exceptional" items.
   Exceptional marking works as follows: As an example, an exceptional katana made by a non-Grandmaster smith or made by a Grandmaster smith who chooses not to put his makers mark, will now say, "a katana of exceptional quality". An exceptional katana made by a Grandmaster smith who chooses to place his maker's mark on it will say, "a katana crafted with exceptional quality by..." This will be true for all exceptional items.
   When a Grandmaster creates an exceptional item, a window will appear asking if they wish to place their mark on the item. Selecting "okay" will place the creator’s name on the item when examined (single clicked). Selecting "cancel" will not put the maker's mark on the item. 

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