David Brown

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Version vom 10. Mai 2010, 16:49 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „David ''CatHat'' Brown war einer der beliebtesten Artist Developer aller Zeiten. Ende November 2007 gab er seinen Abschied vom UO Developer Team bekannt, da er de…“)
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David CatHat Brown war einer der beliebtesten Artist Developer aller Zeiten. Ende November 2007 gab er seinen Abschied vom UO Developer Team bekannt, da er den Wechsel nach Virginia aus persönlichen Gründen nicht mitmachen wollte.

This will be my last week as a member of the UO Dev Team.

At Dec 1st, I cast myself back into the spinning time vortex of game development. 
Where and when I shall materialize – who can say. Much like a Sci-Fi sequel or an 
Elvis sighting – you can bet I'll pop up around somewhere not too far away.

As you all know UO's Team is moving to VA, but being a territorial little creature 
and native of sunny California, I've opted to stay here.

This means I'll be no longer working with many of my friends on the team, nor getting 
to serve you, the community as a Dev. It will be a difficult transition for me since 
I've become so accustomed to working hard all day on UO and doing late night and early 
morning post readings, taking notes, and interacting with so many of you all, in game 
and on the boards. Oh, and of course making my infamous quirky posts abroad. It's been 
a pleasure contributing to UO, the community, and its dev team for the past 3 years.

I want to thank you all for sending me your feedback, questions, suggestions, ideas and 
of course your sense of fun, and even stronger sense of community. While I'm sad to be 
leaving, acquiring a new master and applying my full focus elsewhere – I can part knowing
that many good Dev are moving with UO and many good things I've contributed to, are still 
in the works – so the future is still bright. I'm proud to have contributed so much behind 
the scenes here on the dev team, and for the opportunity serve such dedicated fans. 

UO is legendary in the history of gaming and your world wide community is peerless.

I shall never forget you.

- Cathat

CatHat's Signatur
