Ritual: Pristine Crystal Lotus

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Version vom 5. März 2013, 19:50 Uhr von Medea (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Prugyilonus the Advisor to the Queen ist im zweiten Stockwerk des Queen's Palace in der Royal City in Ter Mur zu finden. '''Hinweis:''' Dies ist …“)
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Prugyilonus the Advisor to the Queen ist im zweiten Stockwerk des Queen's Palace in der Royal City in Ter Mur zu finden.

Hinweis: Dies ist der letzte Teil (3/3) in der Quest Reihe von Prugyilonus (Startquest: Ritual: Scales of a Dream Serpent). Das mittlere Quest heisst Ritual: Tears of a Soulbinder.

Quest Log

"Now, you must traverse the northern desert. On the far edge, you will find a teleporter similar to that which you took to the Athenaeum Isle. This will take you to a barren, small, and twisted piece of land that was long ago drained by the Void.
The next component will be found there: a Pristine Crystal Lotus. Long ago, what is now desert was a beautiful field of these flowers. Sadly, the Defiler's magic drained the land of life and energy, causing the land to become the wasteland it is today. However, one bloom remains, and it is that bloom you must acquire for me.
In my research, I discovered that Queen Zhah's predecessor, King Trajalem, had the only surviving bloom placed within a protective barrier on the island I am directing you to. No one knows exactly why he did so, but I have journeyed there myself and seen it with my own eyes. Unfortunately, I was not able to discern how to break the barrier protecting the lotus.
The lotus stands on a pedestal surrounded by a configuration of magical tiles. I feel that these tiles are the key to breaking the barrier and obtaining the bloom. However, their secret eluded me. What I was able to discover through research is that you must speak the words 'I seek the lotus' to activate the tiles. Additionally, if you do manage to satisfy the secret of the tiles, you must state Give me the lotus.'"
Journey to the area, my friend, and please obtain the lotus. If anyone can do it, I have faith that it is you.
Be well, and I look forward to your return."


Nun sucht man wiederum den Weg über die letzte nord-östlichste Brücke, und weiter in Richtung Coral Desert. Dort ist es die ganz links gelegene Landzunge, wo das Portal – wie wir es schon vom Athenaeum Isle Übergang kennen – steht. Flugs hindurch, denn es warten in der Wüste vorher zahlreiche gefährliche Monster!

Man landet gleich auf dem gegenüber liegenden Landarm, vo die Void Plage schon kräftig zugeschlagen hat: Alles ist kahl und tot. Nun dem Weg entlang Richtung Norden, wo man auf das "Spielfeld" gelangt.

