Jasper the Inspector

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Jasper der Inspektor war im Juli 2008 der leitende Verantwortliche, der das Massaker am Royal Council aufklären durfte.

Npc jaspertheinspector.jpg

Stichworte (Juli 2008)

Im Schloss British:

  • assist: Thank you! We can use all the help you can give. We must find clues that will lead us to culprits.
  • clues: Bring me anything that can help us track down the murderers and find the four people missing.
  • murderers: We have reason to believe more than one culprit is involved.
  • culprit: The FOA are claiming this butchery.
  • FOA: The Followers of Armageddon: a group of crazy fanatics dead set on the destruction of our world.
  • four people missing: Aye, Lord Casca, Captain Avery, Lady Aileen and Sherry the Mouse are nowhere to be found.
  • Lord Casca: Ambassador Casca was seen entering the Council room last night, yet he is not among the bodies.
  • Lady Aileen: A noble who has been residing at the Castle. Her room was been ransacked.
  • Captain Avery: He leads Lord Francesco's personal guard and has led many a raid against the FOA.
  • Sherry the Mouse: She is a close friend of Lady Aileen. Wherever they are, we believe they are together.
  • Francesco: He was the Royal Treasurer, but basically ran the show around here. We're waiting on a forensic evaluation of his body.
  • Olivia: She's an alchemist with the Illusionist's Guild on the Island of Moonglow.

Stichworte (Oktober 2008)

Im Gerichtssaal in Yew:

  • If you wish to assist in this investigation, gather what clues you can from the journal on the table, or speak to me!
  • assist: Much appreciated! This is in fact a double investigation: the death of Leoric Gathenwale and the unholy beings invading us.
  • leoric: From what we've gathered of his journal on the table, the silly man went on a foolish quest which eventually caused his demise.
  • unholy: Skeletal Liches, Spectral Armors and Cursed Souls are now plaguing us, it cannot be a coincidence.
  • journal: We believe the unholy presence in our graveyards are somehow linked to Leoric and the journal seems to provide at least some clues.
  • demise: He disappeared for a few days and returned about a week ago, completely changed, acting crazy.
  • coincidence: These creatures are only known to dwell in Khaldun, yet they started appearing throughout the land just after he reopened the Tomb?
  • graveyards: Moonglow, Cove, Britain, Vesper, Jhelom and Yew are all being invaded.
  • changed: ???
  • frightened: ???
  • Khaldun: ???