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Aktuelle Version vom 13. Mai 2012, 23:16 Uhr

Titel: About Hunters

Autor: Karvath


Magic has long held a sacred and glorious position amongst our people, and is revered nearly universally amongst us as the true power in our world. It quickly became apparent that with the prevalence of magical talent amongst our people, most regular warriors would be unable to make much headway against magic users. With this problem in mind, a special caste of warriors was trained and designated as the Hunters and Huntresses. The job and task of a Hunter is to deal with rogue and dangerous mages, and they are trained from a young age in how a mage may cast a variety of spells, and how to defeat and systematically remove a mages ability to tap into the void and call forth magic. It is thanks to this training that Hunters are seen as the deadliest of warriors and the most dangerous of opponents for those trained in the arts of magery. A very specialized set of equipment and skills is passed down to these Hunters to assist them in their dangerous task, but one of the most unique are their living weapons, called Stingers.

The Hunters Skills

A Hunter is taught from a very young age the arts of stealth and assassination, as the easiest way to eliminate a more powerful enemy is to do so when they are caught unawares. In addition to these skills, they are also taught hand to hand, close combat, unarmed combat, and acrobatic skills to allow them to keep fights confined to ranges that limit a mages ability to fight back and concentrate. It is at these close quarters that most Hunters engage their targets, and they are absolutely lethal. A mage who finds themself engaging a Hunter in close combat is generally fighting a losing fight, and rarely manages to last longer than a few brief moments.

The Hunters Equipment

Hunters carry with them an array of useful tools in defeating mages, among them everything from basic tools such as rope, blindfolds, daggers, and gags to more exotic and rare items such as blinding powder and silencing powder. These last are some of the most useful but also most difficult to replace items due to the scarcity of their components. Their use can swiftly cause a mage to be rendered incapable of even the lowliest of cantrips, as the vast majority of spells require a spoken component and the ability to aim at the target. Since the advent of the Hunters as a warrior caste, mages have done their best to attempt to combat the way that Hunters prey on their weaknesses, and some spells have been fashioned that require only gestures, but these spells have limited strength and usage, and there is no known defense against the most potent of the Hunters weapons... the living weapons known as Stingers.

The Living Weapons, Stingers

Stingers were first discovered in the wilderness of Ishpuria in days long past, and their abilities seem to be unique amongst creatures. Wild Stingers are snakelike creatures covered in venomous barbs that they can fire or propel at their prey. They seem to have thrived in Ishpuria by preying on magic using creatures that were difficult to be predated upon by almost any other creature thanks to the effect of their unique venom coating the barbs on their bodies... it has the ability to sap a mages ability to reach into the void and pull forth magic. The venom is disorienting and nauseating as well, causing even non magic users to be sent reeling from their effects and left as easy prey for the main body of the creature. A Wild Stinger can be sated for weeks on a creature the size of a gazer larva, or longer with larger prey. It also seems to derive some of its nutrition from the magical prowess of its prey in a way that is still not understood. Hunters keep their Stingers fed on a diet of beetles, insects, and the occasional imp. It was under the guidance of the Matriarchs themselves that the first of the Wild Stingers was converted into a weapon for the Hunters. Since that occurrence, it has been considered the mark of a true Hunter to be in possession of one of the living weapons, and makes it nigh impossible to impersonate someone in the Hunter caste. Each living weapon forms a bond with the Hunter who uses it and it is not unheard of for Stingers that lose their Hunter to become feral and have to be put down.