Heartwood City: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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* [[Anolly the Bark Weaver‎]]
* [[Anolly the Bark Weaver‎]]
* [[Unoelil the Bark Weaver‎]]
* [[Unoelil the Bark Weaver‎]]
* [[Cillitha the Bowcrafter]]
* [[Aulan the Expeditionist]]
* [[Aulan the Expeditionist]]

Version vom 27. Februar 2013, 19:21 Uhr

Heartwood city-portal.jpg
Die Stadt Heartwood ist die Heimat der Elfen, und seit Mondain's Legacy begehbar. Mit UO:ML kamen auch die ersten zahlreichen Handwerker-Quests, für deren Erfüllung man neben Gegenständen und Talismanen die begehrten Rezepte erhalten kann. Die meisten der Quests kann man ohne Einschränkung immer wieder erneut abarbeiten.

Der Eingang zur scheinbar unterirdischen Stadt, die sich aber laut Geschichte in einem anderen Raumkontinuum befindet, ist mitten in Herzen von Yew zu finden. Dort steigt man hinab in die Wurzeln des Weltbaumes, der gleichzeitig auch die Wurzeln der Elfen darstellt. Sie sind die Caretaker (ganz unromantisch für dt. Wärter, Pfleger) von Sosaria, sie sind direkt mit der Welt verlinkt, ihre Gesundheit direkt mit dem Land verbunden. Bevor der Edelstein der Unsterblichkeit zerstört wurde, waren die Elfen unsterblich.

Die Geschichte der Elfen und von Heartwood

(Entnommen aus dem UO:ML Handbuch)

"The elves have been a part of Sosaria since the beginning of time, tied indivisibly to the health of the world itself. The ancient bards' tales tell of elven beauty, valor unsurpassed, and dazzling artistry. But the elves have been absent for so long, and human memory is fragile. Did they ever exist? Are elves but a treasured fantasy an old man tells his grandchildren by the wavering light of the fire?
There are skeptics. There always are those who do not believe or cannot afford to acknowledge the greatest mysteries. But the stories are true. The elves do exist. They serve as caretakers to Sosaria, linked directly to the world itself, their health tied directly to that of the land. Perhaps not quite as beautiful, valorous, and brilliant as legend tells us. Real, but isolated and alone, they live out their lives in The Heartwood amidst the mighty branches of the world tree. Their knowledge has been passed from Lorekeeper to Lorekeeper, although their language is unsuited to writing and their traditions are complex and subtle. The elves form a community in the truest sense, sharing equally and caring for one another with no concept of family or wealth.
They once walked Sosaria side-by-side with humans. Before the gem was shattered, the elves were immortal. They ventured forth from their home to explore and enjoy the wonders of the world in their care. They befriended humans and exchanged gifts. And then, in an instant of unmitigated anguish, they were cut off from Sosaria. Immortal elven lives by the hundreds were extinguished in the blink of an eye. For the elves, the loss of their immortality and the grief of their lost kinsmen were only the beginning. As caretakers who could not heal, the elves were isolated and helpless, yet still tied irrevocably to the health of the world. Upon Sosaria, less than a dozen elves survived, unable to reach their home and unaware of the full ramifications of the shattering of the Gem of Immortality. In time, they took a human mate and adapted to life as a mortal, their elven blood mixing with the human bloodlines. For all intents and purposes, the elves ceased to exist in the world, save for the songs and the tales.
Until now..."


Wer Quests auf eine ruhigere Art absolvieren will, kann dies sowohl in Heartwood wie auch in Sanctuary tun. Während man in Yew seine Ruhe hat, muss in Sanctuary praktisch bei jedem Schritt um sein Leben fürchten, aber die meisten der Aufgaben sind ebenfalls bei den verwandten NPCs zu finden:

Weitere Informationen zum Thema