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Vermin Exterminators of Moonglow


We will meet Friday, April the 10th, 8:30 pm, at the Beer Garden of Moonglow to put down the the biggest plague of Moonglow: The Mongbats

All hunters are invited to set their ferret on any mongbat sighted. After the ferret ripped out the throat of the mongbat, drinking it's blood, the hunter may gut the corpse to extract the meat as proof of the kill. The hunter presenting the most pieces of mongbat meat in the end is awarded a hunting trophy.

Other small hunting animals (remember our recent event of training small furry animals) are permitted if the pet is 'bonded', has a name and is verifiably able to kill a mongbat on it's own.
In case someone is bringing a tame mongbat, this is acceptable, but a handicap of 10 meat pieces is applied when counting for the trophy at the end.

The goal of this hunt is nothing less than the eradication of mongbats on the island of Moonglow. For too long did they steal the food from zoo residents, killed the young animals in the woods, attacked travelers around the moongate, even threatened citizens in town, and dumped their droppings at the most offensive spots.

Come all! Moonglow needs you!

Queen of the Unseelie Court, Governor of Moonglow