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Notes on Bulletin Boards.

New Frarc

*A note been placed an all Bulletin boards of all Inns and Taverns.*


It came to our attention that a fugitive we been looking for have been wandering around these towns.His name is Mac and he is extremely dangerous.
A informant told us he been hiding in a town called Drachental.
We found his house. After close investigation of the building we found proof Mac did life here.We found his old armor. Miners Heaven is from now on been watch 24 hours a day.
We also found out he had contact with a guild called the Council of Yew.
We urgent ask this guild to try to contact with us so we have more knowledge of our fugitives whereabouts.
This person is not who he seems to be. Do not help him in any way!
Helping this person will have consequences!

Any information on Mac will be highly rewarded.


Willem the Third
Leader of the Black Rose Society.
Yders ap Thul is arranging his little lumberjack event as a rider enters the Council of Yew.

He introduces himself as Willem the Third.

Willem informs Yders that a person called Mac should be in contact with CoY. But Yders ap Thul doesn´t know such person. So they come together, that the Council will inform the Black Rose if Mac is seen in or near by the Council of Yew city.

After that Yders went back to work arraging this little Event.