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Jigsaws Game 1 and 2 (Event)

New Frarc

To find the cure for my brothers poison we have to win some games Jigsaw will come up for us. The first 2 of these games will be held next week-end.Jigsaw will explain the rules of each game before it starts. If we can beat his game, he will reveal a ingredient to make the cure. For some games you will have to work together. For some it will be a test of speed or knowledge. Some of the games can be deadly. Its up to you all if you want to help the Frarc's or not. :)

First Game:

-Saturday 22 May at 8pm CET.
-Meet Jigsaw at Marktplatz in Drachental.
-Required to have access to Underworld!
-Drachental chat channel will be used to talk to each other or ask for help and advice (You not going to get it from Jigsaw)
-Everyone is welcome.

Second Game:

-Sunday 23 May at 8pm CET
-Meet Jigsaw at Marktplatz in Drachental.
-Event takes place in Ilshenar.
-Drachental chat channel will be used to talk to each other or ask for help and advice (You not going to get it from Jigsaw)
-Everyone is welcome.

The more people join, the bigger the chance you can win the games.

*The best from all the games (about 10) Gets a nice bag with rewards. :) (Will contain a Leurocian's Mempo of Fortune)http://www.uoguide.com/Leurocian%27s_Mempo_of_Fortune
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

New Frarc

Point system for the games.

Winning a game gives: 15 points. (Depending on what type of game more then one can win 15 points)
Second: 10 points.
Third: 5 points.

Participation of a game gives 3 points.

Cheating or not following Jigsaw rules results in 0 points!

Getting Jigsaw Killed in any game results in the removal of all points from everyone that been won that far!

After each game a standing will be posted. (You can use different characters for each event, Just make sure on the start of each game you tell Jigsaw what Family name you fighting for)

*There will be 3 bags of rewards for the 3 best "gamers" .

-Winning the event will result the knowledge of the ingredients to make the cure for Frarc's brother.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

New Frarc

Game 2 will be moved to monday the 24th of May at 8pm CET .(To avoid that it falls together with EM Meet and Greet).