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Hide and Seek 4 (Event)

New Frarc

Friday 26 february .

Find my hidden Character hidden in the world and get a reward.

- First meet Frarc at roof of West-Britain bank at 8:30pm CET so he can take notes of the people who will join.
- A bit before 9pm CET Frarc will leave, a chat channel named Hide and Seek will be open.
- In chat my hidden character will random ask someone to ask a question so they get clues to find him/her.
- Think carefull what question to ask. Questions that specific ask to the location will not be answered or answered in a silly way.
- Find my character and then ask what she wants.

The first three who bring the item i need gets a reward.

1st place price : 10 Treasure of Tokuno.( Can trade those in for a Major Arty of your own choice in Zento)
2nd place price : Bag with 10 Powder of fortifying. (100 charges total)
3rd place price: Bag with 10 different Underworld/Abyss goodies.