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Hide and Seek 3 (Event)

New Frarc

Friday 5 february .

Find my hidden Character hidden in the world and get a reward.

- First meet Frarc at roof of West-Britain bank at 8:30pm CET so he can take notes of the people who will join.
- A bit before 9pm CET Frarc will leave, a chat channel named Hide and Seek will be open.
- In chat my hidden character will random ask someone to ask a question so they get clues to find him/her.
- Think carefull what question to ask. Questions that specific ask to the location will not be answered or answered in a silly way.
- Find my character and then ask what she wants.

The first three who bring the item i need gets a reward.

1st place price : Agapite and golden smithy hammer runics. (Fully charged)
2nd place price : Bag with 10 Powder of fortifying. (100 charges total)
3rd place price: Bag with 10 different Underworld/Abyss goodies.

Claire Repaire

We have to trap Kyrg first in our Guilds atomic shelter.
Then equip his 50+ runebooks labeled "DFs most abandoned places"

Then we will be ready. :D



Ehh - thats not fair.... *don't want to be in an atomic shelter*


Frarc? I can you show a few very very nice places.... One place is only reachable with housing. Are you interested to hide at such places? *evil grins to claire*

New Frarc

Ehh - thats not fair.... *don't want to be in an atomic shelter*


Frarc? I can you show a few very very nice places.... One place is only reachable with housing. Are you interested to hide at such places? *evil grins to claire*

Or for a change the item to bring is Kyrgon head! :bat:

Claire Repaire

Well, this was a real challenge again.
Took a long time until we found out, that the serp dragons in Ilsh were the desired location. It took me another 5 minutes of browsing stratics on how to get there. ^^ - It has been a long time since I have been there for the last time. :blinzel:

Congrats to Nina and Kyrg - besides thinking, guessing, and investigating they also delivered the translation service for non-English participants, so they really deserve their awards.

But I´m sure I got the best reward: Among my really valuable prices was a barrel of straight Gargoyle hard liquor - so I guess it´s time for a booze-up next time.:D

Thanks to Frarc and all participants.




thank you for the event :)

was fun and a lot more challenging ..... :cool:

i'm looking forward for the next 'Frarc event'