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Though the High Seas add on has added a lot of fun to the fisherman's profession there are some things that don't seem to make sens for me.

1-Most of the fish can't be sold to anyone, not the fisher NPC, cooks, inkeepers and so on will buy it. Even cut or cooked (miso soup is only 1 gp each and very heavy, needs to have high levle cooking) there is little market for it.
For a beginning char that wants to be a professional fisherman and earn money to buy a boat by selling what he fished it's very frustrating and even impossible.
It's the same or even worst with crustacean, nobody wants the unamed ones except brit libaray, they can't even be used by cooks in any recipe.

2-The fishmonger quests.

  • While I like fishing I really hate using traps to get crustacean. Still I have to do so if I want to advance in the fishmonger quests and hope get a 120 scroll one day.
    Couldn't we choose a carriere path : fish or crustacean or both from the beginning and only get quests related to the path we chose ? The specific path (only one kind) could be slower to raise prestige I don't mind that as long as I don't have to use traps even again in my UO life!

  • One of the reasons I don't like getting crustacean (the most important being that I find it boring but that's personal) is because of the traps we have to use.
    Traps are heavy, they are short lived so you need a lot, they are expensive, they can't be crafted (I though my GM carpenter/tinker could but no, nothing in there to be able to do so).

    An example :
    I needed to get 20 fred lobster,I used 40 traps to do so.
    1 trap is 144 gp, I spent 7200 gp to get those lobsters.
    I didn't even get 10 of one kind of any of the other named ones in the process (smallest quantity for the fishmonger quest).

    As I pointed first in this post, the unamed ones I got are completely useless, except as donation to the brit library.
    Using a sum of money to buy traps, get and then give crustacean may give more reward points than if you had just directly given the same sum of money to the libary, though I didn't do the math to confirm this, but the time spent doing so doesn't make it worthwile in my opinion.

    In the same time, using my fishing pole that didn't cost me anything (wood shopped and pole crafted by one of my chars) except the 10 gp to insure it, I could get enough fish to earn as many reward points or even more. As a bonus I would get White pearls, delicate scales, T-Maps, special fishing nets and MIBS, not counting the leather/scales from the sea serpents I would kill.

    It also would be much less boring though that is my ersonal point of view and not an objective argument. Still I know I'm not the only one with this opinion.

  • If you do BODS in tailoring and blacksmith profession you earn a reward on top of being paid some real money for your work.
    In the fisherman profession you don't get money, how are you supposed to make a living of it then ?

  • Once again comparing taloring/blacksmith profession with fisherman : in the two first ones you can get a title (fame) by doing BODS and never have to fight in your life, while a fisherman will get an internal reputation in the guild allowing him to get better quests/rewards but has no mean to get a title just by his profession.
    It's not as important in my opinion than my other arguments but still I though it deserved to be pointed out.

If some though could be given to those issues I think it would improve greatly the fisherman playstile !

