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Auction Payout


Greetings Everyone

If you are submitting items for our auctions, then this post is for you.

TLDR: If you wonna set up an wall safe for auction payout, please contact Loony.

Since delivering gold to your mailbox is no longer as option, as it is no longer possible to make checks, we now offer an alternative way to get you your auction funds using the Wall Safes. This however require me to be friends in your house where the safe is located, and also the safe set to friend access.

If you are interested in the method please contact me on ICQ 525-91-550 or ask for Loony Elahhez / Gilmour in-game.

If you are not interested in this method, I need to insist that i have your ICQ number, either via your profile or site or given to me personally in-game or through other means, as personal trade is required then.

If neither above is possible and you do not have ICQ, in some cases I would be able to verify your identify with guild abbreviation. But this is not certain.

The Auction Team